CEDAR email: CORRECTION: URSI GASS Abstract Deadline JANUARY 30, 2017

Keith Groves keith.groves at bc.edu
Fri Jan 20 14:17:00 MST 2017

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to a Commission G session on Radio O
ccultation at the next URSI General Assembly in Montreal, Canada from August
19-26th, 2017. Please be aware that the deadline for abstract
submission is January
30. The session description appears below; more information about the
meeting  and the submission process is available at http://www.ursi2017.org/.
Hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Keith Groves and Norbert Jakowski


Commission G - "Improvement of GNSS Radio Occultation Techniques"

Conveners: Norbert Jakowski, Keith Groves

In the last two decades it has been shown that GNSS radio occultation
measurements on board Low Earth Orbiting (LEO)

 satellites provide a powerful tool for monitoring key parameters
characterizing the vertical structure of the ionosphere and neutral gas
such  as the electron density, temperature and/or water vapor,
respectively. The effective sounding of the ionosphere and neutral
atmosphere was convincingly demonstrated the first time by the GPS-Met
experiment onboard Microlab-1, and afterwards by subsequent LEO missions
such as CHAMP, GRACE, SAC-C, Formosat/COSMIC and C/NOFS. In the meantime,
challenges have arisen concerning the accuracy and reliability of the radio
occultation technique for deriving ionospheric and neutral gas parameters.
Upcoming missions like COSMIC II and others represent enhanced
opportunities to further exploit RO capabilities for monitoring and
forecasting ionospheric and tropospheric weather. Thus, to fully utilize
these new capabilities the retrieval techniques should be improved in a
corresponding manner. Accordingly, we encourage presentations addressing
irregularities and gradients of the refractive index, higher order effects
of refraction and ray path bending, and assimilation techniques utilizing
the basic RO observables. Furthermore, improvements to the specification of
upper boundary conditions for ionospheric inversions and the extension of

the altitude for neutral gas retrievals are also of interest. Generally
speaking, we encourage presentations describing innovative

methodologies that address current challenges in RO techniques and
synergies of ionospheric and neutral atmosphere retrievals
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