CEDAR email: Heliophysics Summer School 2017

Susanne Demaree sdemaree at ucar.edu
Fri Jan 6 11:54:25 MST 2017

[image: Description: pacer]*Heliophysics Summer School 2017*

*“Long-term solar activity and the climates of space and Earth”*

 1 – 8 August, 2017 - Boulder, CO

*Deadline is 24 February 2017*

Applications are invited for the 2017 Heliophysics Summer School, which
will be held in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. We are seeking students to
join us this coming summer for a unique professional experience. They will
learn about the exciting science of heliophysics as a broad, coherent
discipline that reaches in space from the Earth’s troposphere to the depths
of the Sun, and in time from the formation of the solar system to the
distant future.

The 2017 Heliophysics Summer School focuses on the physics of the
connections between the Sun, the heliosphere, the magnetospheres and the
upper atmospheres of the planets.

The solar system offers a wide variety of conditions under which the
interaction of bodies with a plasma environment can be studied, while
exoplanets and Sun-like stars offer an even wider range of perspectives
with lessons about our local cosmos from distant past to distant future.

The 2017 Summer School will begin with an overview of the various
components composing the Heliophysical system, and review some of the
universal physical processes at work throughout the system. It will then
focus on long-term processes, from the Sun’s modulated activity to its
influences on the climate systems of the heliosphere, Earth’s atmosphere
and planetary environments. The class will draw on material from all four
of the Heliophysics textbooks, but especially from the third volume of the
series, Heliophysics III: “Evolving solar activity and the climates of
space and Earth”.

The school will be based on lectures, laboratories, and recitations from
world experts, and will draw material from the four textbooks Heliophysics
I-IV, published by Cambridge University Press.

Approximately 35 students will be selected through a competitive process
organized by the UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs. The school lasts for
eight days, and each participant receives full travel support for airline
tickets, lodging and per diem costs.

*Student Application Requirements *

   - Currently enrolled as a graduate student in any phase of training, or
   first or second year postdoctoral fellow.
   - Major in physics with an emphasis on astrophysics, geophysics, plasma
   physics, and space physics, or experienced in at least one of these areas.
   - Pursuing a career in heliophysics or astrophysics.

For additional information on this program and instructions on how to apply,

Please visit the Heliophysics website at


For further information, call (303) 497-1605 or e-mail vspapply at ucar.edu

The Living With a Star program of the Heliophysics Division in NASA’s
Science Mission Directorate sponsors the Summer Schools.

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Visiting
Scientist Programs collaborates with NASA in administering the schools.

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research is an EE/AAE who values
and encourages diversity in the workplace. Images courtesy of NASA.



        *Susanne Demaree* | Web Developer

          University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)

          P.O. Box 3000  |  Boulder, Colorado 80307
          303.497.862 <(303)%20497-8628>7  |  sdemaree at ucar.edu |  cpaess.uc
<http://cpaess.ucar.edu/>ar.edu <http://cpaess.ucar.edu/>
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