CEDAR email: 2017 CEDAR workshop: deadlines approaching

Astrid Maute maute at ucar.edu
Fri Apr 28 09:44:09 MDT 2017

*The 2017 CEDAR workshop will be in Keystone, Colorado from 18-23 June 2017.*

*Please register at the workshop registration site
by *

*May 27 for regular attendees, **and by May 12 for students.*

*A block of hotel rooms and apartments are reserved *

*till May 17 at the 2017_Workshop Accommodations site

*For information on travel, student information, registration, lodging,*

*ground transportation, please visit the CEDAR

*We are looking forward to seeing you in Keystone!*

*Information for Students* The CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC) is
committed to supporting as many students as possible. Student travel
support will be limited to the first 125 students that request it during
the registration process. No requests will be taken outside of the
registration process. Only students who present a poster may receive
funding. Students do not have to be first author but must present a poster.
***NEW THIS YEAR: all student national airfare arrangements will be
arranged and direct billed through UCAR’s Travel Agency, CAIN TRAVEL.* *All
flight must be ticketed by Friday June 2nd. Please check here for more
information on student travel. <
*Reimbursements for purchasing your own airfare will no longer be allowed.
*Airfare requests are submitted through the registration process. Once your
information has been received, you will be contacted by a CAIN travel agent
within a week. All students are required to pay the student registration
fee. The student registration fee includes the CEDAR Welcome Reception, the
CEDAR Student Lunch, the CEDAR Student Dinner and the CEDAR Banquet Dinner,
in order to maximize the opportunity for networking.
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