CEDAR email: JOB OPENING: Faculty Positions in Geosciences Open at the University of Otago (Dunedin, New Zealand)

Craig Rodger craig.rodger at otago.ac.nz
Sun May 22 02:43:36 MDT 2016

The Department of Physics at the University of Otago invite applications 
for one or more positions at the Lecturer/Senior Lecturer level 
(equivalent to North American Assistant Professor/Associate Professor). 
Applicants should be active researchers in the broad field of geosciences 
able to link into the existing research interests of the Department, or 
the wider University. The research of the Otago Physics Space group 
(http://tinyurl.com/zoq59c5) should be of specific interest to readers of 
this newsletter.

The University of Otago is a research-intensive university in New Zealand, 
and the Department of Physics enjoys a vibrant research culture with 
significant success in obtaining external research funding. The Department 
has a broad teaching programme and is a leader in the implementation of 
innovative teaching methods.

The Department wishes to recruit emerging academics who can contribute to 
its diversity and excellence, through their research, teaching, and 
service. Applicants should demonstrate collegiality and a willingness to 
participate in all aspects of the activities of the Department. The 
specific area of geoscience research is open, but the applicant must have 
a good research track record appropriate to their career stage, and intend 
to develop an excellent research programme.

More information can be found at:

Professor Craig J. Rodger
Department of Physics			Phone: +64 3 479 4120
University of Otago                     Fax:  +64 3 479 0964
PO Box 56, Dunedin 9016

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