CEDAR email: 2016 CEDAR-GEM: Testing proposed links between mesoscale auroral and polar cap dynamics and substorms Focus Group

Toshi Nishimura toshi at atmos.ucla.edu
Tue Jun 14 21:17:22 MDT 2016

The GEM Substorm-Aurora-Polar Cap Focus Group (FG) discusses connections
between auroral structures and their magnetospheric counterparts prior to
substorm onset for bringing a potential closure to the question of substorm
triggering. Since a large portion of discussions will concern auroral
dynamics, we would like to bring these sessions to your attention,
particularly those in the CEDAR community who are interested in substorms
and M-I coupling.

Session 1. Joint with Reconnection FG (Mon 4:00-6:00pm)

We will discuss the following topics:

-- Ionospheric signatures of magnetopause reconnection and FTEs
-- Possible dayside-nightside coupling
-- The role of the ionosphere in transient day- and night-side
reconnection-related processes

Session 2 and 3. Event discussion (Thu 1:30-3:30pm and 4:00-6:00pm)

Three experts of substorms have analyzed the same events and will present
their interpretations. We will have discussions for understanding key
features prior to substorm onset and their M-I coupling. Contributed talks
will be placed flexibly for facilitating discussions.

A. Event presentations
by Larry Lyons, Larry Kepko and Tony Lui

B. Contributed talks
Richard Wolf: K-H instability and interchange stability in a growth-phase
Tony Lui: BBF-substorm connection
Eric Donovan: Evolution and mapping of substorm onset arc
Shin Ohtani: PBI-polar cap connection
Misha Sitnov: Distinguishing roles as triggers of the substorm instability
and drivers
Larry Kepko: Statistical analysis of substorm onset and auroral streamers

Session 4. Auroral streamer challenge (Fri 4:00-6:00pm)

The topic of the session is auroral streamers and their relation to
substorm phases, plasma sheet flows, substorm onset triggering, and M-I

Xiangning Chu: Substorm onset lists and fast flow in the plasma sheet
Bashi Ferdousi: Mapping plasma sheet flows from the magnetosphere to
Nadine Kalmoni: Dynamics of the onset arc
Eric Grono: Analysis of the motion of aurora in the REGO imagers
Bob Lysak: Plasma bubbles and M-I coupling
Kyle Murphy: Statistics of auroral motion during the growth and expansion
Jiang Liu: Source of R1 and R2 Birkeland currents
Toshi Nishimura: Auroral streamers during isolated, active and non substorm
Katie Sage-Garcia: Magnetotail modeling and plasma sheet flows
Jian Yang: RCM perspective of growth phase bubbles and streamers

Details of this focus group can be found on:

Kyle Murphy, Toshi Nishimura, Emma Spanswick, Jian Yang
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