CEDAR email: CISM Space Weather Summer School

Michael Wiltberger wiltbemj at ucar.edu
Thu Jan 14 13:01:44 MST 2016

CISM Space Weather Summer School 
July 11 - July 22 2016
NCAR Boulder, CO 
Application Deadline: March 1, 2016 

The CISM Space Weather Summer School is intended to give students a 
comprehensive immersion in the subject of space weather: what it is, 
what it does, and what can be done about it. Space weather is many 
things: beautiful when seen through the eyes of a sun-viewing 
telescope, fascinating when studied for its alien worlds 
of magnetic structures and phenomena, awesome when witnessed as a 
solar eruption or auroral storm, and devastating to the users of 
services it disrupts. Space weather links the Sun, the Earth, and the 
space in between in a branching chain of consequences. Weather 
systems on the Sun can spawn interplanetary storms of colossal size 
and energy that envelop the whole planet in electrical hurricanes. 
Such storms attack high-tech, complex, and expensive technological 
systems that provide much of the infrastructure that allows modern 
society to function. 

Applications are welcome from upper level undergraduates and beginning 
graduate students interested in pursuing a career in solar and space 
physics, as well as professionals interested in broadening their 
understanding of the space environment. The school will provide 
support for travel and housing expenses for all US student 

Course Overview 
SW 101: Solar activity, solar wind, magnetosphere, and 

SW 102: Effects on astronauts and spacecraft, radiation hazards, 
communication disruptions 

SW 103: Assumptions and drivers of models, results and limitations 

SW 104: Hands on activities exploring model results and data to 
understand the space environment. 

For additional information on this program and instructions on how to 
apply http://www2.hao.ucar.edu/CISM-Summer-School/ 

Michael Wiltberger, Ph.D    
3080 Center Green        
Boulder, CO 80301        
Ph: (303)497-1532        
Fx: (303)497-2180        
email: wiltbemj at ucar.edu    

There are only 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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