CEDAR email: PhD position in Space and Plasma Physics (space weather modeling) available at the University of Oslo, Norway.

Wojciech Jacek Miloch w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no
Thu Apr 28 02:43:11 MDT 2016

Dear All,

A PhD position in Space and Plasma Physics (modeling of space weather) is available at the Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway.

Application deadline: 7. May 2016.

Project description:

The position is part of the interdisciplinary 4DSpace Strategic Research Initiative at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, combining Departments of Physics, Informatics, and Mathematics. 4DSpace is working towards integrated studies of ionospheric turbulence with multi-point, multi-scale studies with a new generation of sounding rockets and satellites, and cutting edge numerical and analytical models. The centre is active with in-situ measurements (such as the ICI-rocket series, CubeSTAR, or European Space Agency projects), ground-based observations, and development of instruments as well as miniaturized payloads and sub-payloads for rockets and satellites. Modeling of plasma instabilities and turbulence is carried out with fluid as well as particle-in-cell numerical codes.

The announced position is part of the Research and Innovation initiative of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO. Within the project Improving global positioning systems - forecasting ionospheric interference, the successful candidate will lay the foundations for a space weather forecast in the Nordic region, with a particular focus on the signal availability and integrity of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS, GLONASS and Galileo. The project will involve multi-instrument studies of space weather phenomena in order to establish a sound understanding of the underlying physics. Furthermore, the successful candidate is expected to develop a prototype model capable of forecasting GNSS signal quality. The candidate will work closely together with experts from all of the involved departments as well as industry partners.

Requirements and qualifications:

The successful candidate must hold a Master's degree or equivalent in Physics, Geophysics, Mathematics, or related discipline.

We strongly encourage applications from candidates with background in space physics or/and modeling.

Since the project is aimed at laying the foundations for a commercial forecast service, the successful candidate would ideally have some business background and be prepared to closely work together with commercial partners. The 25% compulsory work will involve establishing customer needs and working towards funding proposals together with commercial partners.

The successful candidate should prove good knowledge in data analysis techniques, statistical physics, and a working knowledge with data analysis software, for example Matlab, IDL. Any additional relevant skills (such as programming or radar/optical or in-situ measurement techniques) will be an advantage.

Candidates without a Master's degree have until 30 June, 2016 to complete the final exam.

For more information and to apply use follow the instructions under this link: http://uio.easycruit.com/vacancy/1618077/64282?iso=no

With best regards,

Wojciech Miloch


 Wojciech J. Miloch

 Associate Professor

 Leader of 4DSpace Strategic Research Initiative

 Department of Physics

 University of Oslo

 P.O. Box 1048 Blindern

 N-0316 Oslo, Norway


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