CEDAR email: TREND-2016 Workshop Announcement
Stan Solomon
stans at ucar.edu
Thu Apr 7 09:50:43 MDT 2016
TREND-2016, the 9th workshop on “Long-Term Changes and Trends in the
Atmosphere” will be held on 19-23 September, 2016, in Kuhlungsborn,
Germany, at the Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP). The
workshop is sponsored by IAGA, ICMA/IAMAS, and the ROSMIC program of
VarSITI/SCOSTEP, the German Space Organization (DLR), and the German
ROMIC research initiative of BMBF.
Key topics of the workshop are:
1. Observed trends and long term variations in the middle atmosphere
2. Modeled and predicted long term variations in the middle atmosphere
3. Trends and long-term changes in the ionosphere and thermosphere
4. Mechanisms of trends and long term variations
5. Role of the middle atmosphere for climate
More information is available at:
Deadline Dates:
Abstract Submission: May 20, 2016
Travel Support Application: 20 May 2016
Early Registration: June 30, 2016
Standard Registration: September 15, 2016
Host and chair of the science organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Luebken
Director, Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics
18225 Kuhlungsborn, Germany
luebken at iap-kborn.de
Or contact:
Stan Solomon
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado, USA
stans at ucar.edu
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