CEDAR email: SMEE Workshop - 2nd announcement

Bob Marshall ram80 at stanford.edu
Wed Apr 29 09:50:07 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

This is the 2nd announcement for the Stanford Meteor Environment and
Effects (SMEE) Workshop. You are cordially invited to attend and
participate! Please note the Early Bird registration deadline of April 30

July 14-16, 2015
Stanford, California

The Stanford Meteor Environment and Effects (SMEE) Workshop will bring
together experts in meteoroid physics, meteor observation, and
hypervelocity effects on spacecraft for a three-day workshop discussing the
latest research in these areas. The goals of the workshop are a) to
describe recent results in meteor observations, modeling, and effects on
spacecraft; and b) to discuss new methods, capabilities, and ideas to
further this research field.

The workshop will have sessions focused on the following topics:

   - Meteor observations and techniques: optical, radar, and other methods
   - Models of meteoroid structure
   - The physics of meteor trails and head echoes
   - Hypervelocity effects on spacecraft, including electrostatic,
   electromagnetic, and plasma effects from meteoroids and orbital debris

The SMEE Workshop will be held on Stanford’s campus from July 14-16, 2015.
The workshop is partially supported by NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office

Important Dates:
Registration Deadline: April 30, 2015 (early bird)
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 30, 2015
Abstract Acceptance Notification: June 15, 2015

Meeting Organizers: Sigrid Close, Robert Marshall, Ana Tarano (Stanford
University); Bill Cooke (NASA-MSFC)


Dr. Robert A. Marshall
Engineering Research Associate
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University
350 Serra Mall, Room 309
Stanford, CA 94305
office: 650-723-3531
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