CEDAR email: Faculty position in lightning physics at Florida Institute of Technology

Ningyu Liu nliu at fit.edu
Thu Apr 23 14:52:44 MDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below an announcement for a faculty position in the Department of Physics and Space Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology. Please distribute it to anyone who may be interested. The announcement can also be found at this link: http://cos.fit.edu/pss/position-pss803.php. 

Thank you!

Best regards,


Ningyu Liu, Associate Professor
Physics and Space Sciences Department
Florida Institute of Technology
348 Olin Physical Sciences Building
Melbourne, FL 32901

Email: nliu at fit.edu
Phone: (321) 674-7348

Faculty Position in Lightning Physics, Department of Physics and Space Sciences - Florida Institute of Technology.

The Department of Physics and Space Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology invites applications for a permanent faculty position in the electrical properties of thunderstorms, lightning, and the effects of thunderstorms in the near-earth space environment. This position is at the rank of assistant or associate professor, but higher ranks may be considered for senior or well-established candidates. Outstanding applicants from all research fields of atmospheric and space electricity will be considered, and candidates with prior experience in hardware development, instrumentation, field measurements, and optical and X-ray imaging are particularly encouraged to apply. Candidates with a background in radio science, remote sensing, or laboratory transient electrical discharges are also encouraged to apply. While we are particularly interested in candidates who can strengthen and develop our world-class research program, a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels is also required.

Florida Tech is located on the east coast of central Florida, just south of the Kennedy Space Center. Information about the department and its current research activities can be found at http://cos.fit.edu/pss/. Since 2005, Florida Tech has jointly operated the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT) at Camp Blanding, FL, with the University of Florida. For more information, interested candidates should contact Dr. Daniel Batcheldor, PSS Department Head. The application should be submitted electronically to searchpss at fit.edu with the subject “Position # PSS803”. In a single PDF, include a cover letter, CV, statements of research and teaching experience and interests, and the names and contact information of at least three references. The review of applications will begin immediately and will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Florida Tech is an equal opportunity employer.

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