CEDAR email: PhD Research Fellowship in Electronics (Space Instrumentation), University of Oslo, Norway
Wojciech Jacek Miloch
w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no
Sun Sep 7 22:10:58 MDT 2014
Position as PhD Research fellow (Stipendiat SKO 1017) in electronics is available at The Department of Physics, University of Oslo.
If the successful candidate has a good knowledge of one Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish), the fellowship will be for a period of 4 years, with 25 % compulsory work (teaching responsibilities at The Department of Physics). Otherwise, the fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with no compulsory work. Starting date as soon as possible. Application deadline:
25 September 2014
Job/ project description
The position is part of the interdisciplinary 4DSpace center, an initiative at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, involving the Departments of Physics, Informatics, and Mathematics. The 4DSpace center is working towards integrated multi-point, multi-scale studies of ionospheric turbulence with new generation sounding rockets and satellites, and cutting edge numerical and analytical models. The center is active with in-situ measurements (such as the ICI-rocket series, CubeSTAR, QB50 or European Space Agency projects), ground-based observations, and development of instruments as well as miniaturized payloads and sub-payloads for rockets and satellites. The modeling of plasma instabilities and turbulence is carried out with fluid as well as particle-in-cell numerical codes.
The successful candidate will work on the development of instrumentation and electronics for space applications such as satellites, sounding rockets and daughter payloads. This will include high-resolution probes for ion densities and plasma temperature, electric and magnetic fields, and the related front-end electronics. Optimization methods for on-board processing may also be a relevant topic.
The candidate will work closely together with experts from all of the involved departments and is expected to be able to acquire the necessary cross-disciplinary knowledge for the project.
For the full advertisment see:
With best regards
Wojciech Miloch
Wojciech J. Miloch
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1048 Blindern
N-0316 Oslo, Norway
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