CEDAR email: Five PhD positions within Space and Plasma Science at the University of Oslo, Norway

Wojciech Jacek Miloch w.j.miloch at fys.uio.no
Wed Mar 26 01:50:57 MDT 2014

Five PhD positions are availabe at the University of Oslo, Norway, with 
the application deadline 20 april 2014.

The positions are part of the interdisciplinary 4DSpace centre, 
combining Departments of Physics, Informatics, and Mathematics. 4DSpace 
is an interdisciplinary space science centre working towards integrated 
studies of ionospheric turbulence with multi-point, multi-scale studies 
with a new generation of sounding rockets and satellites, and cutting 
edge numerical and analytical models. The centre is active with in-situ 
measurements (such as the ICI-rocket series, CubeSTAR, or European Space 
Agency projects), ground-based observations, and development of 
instruments as well as miniaturised payloads and sub-payloads for 
rockets and satellites. The modelling of plasma instabilities and 
turbulence is carried out with fluid as well as particle-in-cell 
numerical codes.

The following positions are announced:

PhD Research Fellow in Space and Plasma Physics
PhD Research Fellow in Electronics (probe and rocket payload 
PhD Research Fellow in Fluid Mechanics (MHD turbulence modeling)
PhD Research Fellow in Integrated Circuits for Space Probes 
PhD Research Fellow in Computational Plasma Physics

For details and links to the application forms see our website:


In case of any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

With best regards,
Wojciech Miloch

  Wojciech J. Miloch
  Associate Professor
  Department of Physics
  University of Oslo
  P.O. Box 1048 Blindern
  N-0316 Oslo, Norway

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