CEDAR email: XCOLAGE - Sep 8-12 Cusco, Peru - Call for abstracts due May 8
Marco Milla
marco.milla at jro.igp.gob.pe
Wed Mar 12 17:48:28 MDT 2014
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the tenth Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (X COLAGE) that will be held in Cusco, Peru on September 8-12, 2014. The venue for our conference will be the auditorium Pisac at the convention center of the Provincial Municipality of Cusco. This conference is organized by the ALAGE (Latin American Association of Space Geophysics) every 3 or 4 years and gathers scientists and students (not only from Latin America) interested in the study of the geospace system, the interplanetary medium, the Solar system, as well as their variability, interactions, and their effects on space weather and climate.
We encourage you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations in topics related to Space Geophysics. In this opportunity, the presentations will be organized in the following sessions:
Session 1. The Sun and solar-terrestrial interactions
Session 2. The Heliosphere and Cosmic Rays
Session 3. The Magnetosphere
Session 4. The Ionosphere and upper Atmosphere
Session 5. Space Weather and Space Climate
Session 6. Plasma Physics of Solar System Planets and Exoplanets
Session 7. Nonlinear Processes in Space Geophysics
The deadline for submission is May 8, 2014. For further information about abstract submission, registration, financial support, hotel reservation and travel assistance, please visit our website.
X COLAGE will be followed by the International School on Space Sciences, which is sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI). This school will take place in Lima, Peru on September 15-24, 2014. Graduate students are encouraged to participate in the school. This will be an excellent learning and enrichment opportunity for students that also attend the X COLAGE.
We look forward to your participation in these events.
X COLAGE International Committee
Dr. Blanca Mendoza – President of ALAGE (UNAM, Mexico)
Dr. Adolfo Viñas – International Secretary of ALAGE (NASA, USA)
Dr. Abraham Chian (INPE, Brazil)
Dr. José Valdés-Galicia (UNAM, Mexico)
Dr. Walter Gonzalez (INPE, Brazil)
Dr. Sergio Dasso (IAFE, UBA-CONICET, Argentina)
Dr. Marco Milla (IGP, Peru)
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