CEDAR email: URSI modeling geospace abstracts due 15 Feb; U Kansas postdoc due 1 March

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Thu Feb 6 12:30:50 MST 2014

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 06 February 2014.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
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(1) Call for papers due 15 Feb: (G06) Modeling the Geospace Environment
Session at 31st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International
Union of Radio Science (URSI), August 17-23, 2014, Beijing, China.
 From Matthias Förster (mfo at gfz-potsdam.de).
See also http://www.chinaursigass.com/ and http://www.ursi.org/en/gass.asp#G

(2) Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas 
applications due 1 March.
 From 29 January SPA Newsletter and Tizby Hunt-Ward <tizby at ku.edu>.
See also  http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669

(1) Call for papers due 15 Feb: (G06) Modeling the Geospace Environment
Session at 31st General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International
Union of Radio Science (URSI), August 17-23, 2014, Beijing, China.
 From Matthias Förster (mfo at gfz-potsdam.de).

URSI-GA 2014, Session G06: Modeling the Geospace Environment

Abstracts due 15 February at http://www.chinaursigass.com/

Conveners: M. Förster (mfo at gfz-potsdam.de), A.A. Namgaladze
(namgaladze at mstu.edu.ru, namgaladze at yandex.ru)

Summary: This session is devoted to the latest achievements in the area
of the Earth’s atmosphere-ionosphere-plasmasphere-magnetosphere system
modeling including its electrodynamics. The coupling processes of
interactions between various regions of the geospace environment will
be considered using modern physical-numerical models. The problems of
the inputs, initial and boundary conditions of the models will be
discussed as well as results of their validation via comparisons
between the models and observations of such upper atmosphere parameters
as electron density and total electron content, thermosphere mass density
and winds, electric fields and plasma drifts, and so forth. This session
will foster the collaboration among modelers, data providers and research
communities in order to improve mutual understanding and state-of-the-art
data analyses of geospace missions like CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite
Payload), Swarm and others.

(2) Postdoctoral Researcher in Space Physics at the University of Kansas 
applications due 1 March.
 From 29 January SPA Newsletter and Tizby Hunt-Ward <tizby at ku.edu>.

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in space physics at the
University of Kansas beginning as early as March 24, 2014.  Ph.D. in physics,
astronomy, or a related field associated with space physics within six months
of appointment and experience in space physics or astrophysics or related
field.  The initial appointment is for one year with probable renewal for
another year subject to review and continued grant funding.  Candidates with
relevant interests and experience are sought.  For complete position
announcement and to apply on-line go http://employment.ku.edu/jobs/4669. A
complete electronic application will include:  letter of application,
curriculum vitae, statement of research, list of publications and a list of 3
references.  In addition, applicants should arrange for the three cited
references to send letters of reference to:  Thomas E. Cravens, Professor,
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1251 Wescoe Hall Dr.,
1082 Malott Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045-7582 or cravens at ku.edu.

Initial review of applications will begin March 1, 2014, and will continue
until the position is filled.  Inquiries can be made by email to
cravens at ku.edu with a copy to tizby at ku.edu.  Equal Opportunity Employer


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