CEDAR email: CISM Summer School Boulder; meetings in the UK (Beacon), Norway (AM40), Thailand (COSPAR); international team proposals at ISSI in Switzerland; ionospheric jobs in Calgary, Canada

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Mon Jan 21 18:23:16 MST 2013

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 21 Jan 2013.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) July 22 - August 2, 2013, Space Weather Summer School, Boulder, CO, 
applications due 1 May.
 From Nicholas Gross <gross at bu.edu>.
See also http://www.hao.ucar.edu/CISM-Summer-School/

(2) July 8-12, 2013, Beacon Satellite Symposium, Bath, UK - abstracts due 31 
 From Patricia Doherty (patricia.doherty at bc.edu).
See also http://www.beaconsatellite2013.net.

(3) August 25-30, 2013, 40th Annual European Meeting On Atmospheric Studies By 
Optical Methods (40AM), Andøya Rocket Range, Norway.
 From Kolbjørn Blix Dahle <kolbjorn at rocketrange.no>.
See also http://www.rocketrange.no/40am

(4) November 11-15, 2013, First COSPAR Symposium (“Planetary Systems of our Sun 
and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy”), Bangkok, Thailand - 
abstracts due 31 May.
 From Journe Venance (COSPAR) <Venance.Journe at cosparhq.cnes.fr>.
See also http://www.cospar2013.gistda.or.th

(5) Proposals 2013 due March 28 (15 Feb for Letter of Intent) for International
Teams in Space and Earth Sciences at the International Space Science Institute
(ISSI), Bern, Switzerland.
 From  Maurizio Falanga <mfalanga at issibern.ch>.
See also http://www.issibern.ch/spotlight/ISSI_annual_call2013.pdf

(6) PDF/Research Associate Opportunities in Space Physics and Aeronomy at the 
University of Calgary - application review starts February 15.
 From Eric Donovan (edonovan at ucalgary.ca) Reply to Eric if interested.
See also http://phas.ucalgary.ca/

(1) July 22 - August 2, 2013, Space Weather Summer School, Boulder, CO, 
applications due 1 May.
 From Nicholas Gross <gross at bu.edu>.

CISM Space Weather Summer School will be held July 22–August 2, 2013 at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, CO.  The application
deadline is May 1, 2013.

The CISM Space Weather Summer School is intended to give students a comprehensive
immersion in the subject of space weather: what it is, what it does, and what can
be done about it. Space weather is many things: beautiful when seen through the
eyes of a sun-viewing telescope, fascinating when studied for its alien worlds
of magnetic structures and phenomena, awesome when witnessed as a solar eruption
or auroral storm, and devastating to the users of services it disrupts. Space
weather links the Sun, the Earth, and the space in between in a branching chain
of consequences. Weather systems on the Sun can spawn interplanetary storms of
colossal size and energy that envelop the whole planet in electrical hurricanes.
Such storms attack high-tech, complex, and expensive technological systems that
provide much of the infrastructure that allows modern society to function. This
school will explore all of these aspects of space weather.

Applications are welcome from upper level undergraduates and beginning graduate
students interested in pursuing a career in solar and space physics, as well as
professionals interested in broadening their understanding of the space 
The school will provide support for travel and housing expenses for all US student

Course Overview:
# SW 101: The Solar-Terrestrial Weather System? – Solar activity, solar wind,
magnetosphere, and ionosphere
# SW 102: Space Weather Effects and Consequences – Effects on astronauts and
spacecraft, radiation hazards, communication disruptions
# SW 103: Space Weather Models – Assumptions and drivers of models, results
and limitations
# SW 104: Space Weather Laboratory? – Hands on activities exploring model
results and data to understand the space environment

For additional information on this program and instructions on how to apply:

(2) July 8-12, 2013, Beacon Satellite Symposium, Bath, UK - abstracts due 31 
 From Patricia Doherty (patricia.doherty at bc.edu).

Dear Colleagues,

Please note the upcoming abstract deadline of 31 January 2013 for the 2013 Beacon
Satellite Symposium will be held at the Assembly Rooms in Bath, UK on July 8-12, 
2013.  Cathryn Mitchell of the University of Bath had graciously offered to be 
the local host
this symposium.

This meeting will provide a unique opportunity for ionospheric scientists from all
over the world to meet and collaborate on the ionospheric effects on radio 
This meeting is primarily sponsored by the Beacon Satellite Group of the 
Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission G. The Beacon Satellite Group is
interdisciplinary, servicing science, research, application and engineering 
These interests include all aspects of satellite signals observed on the ground and
by receivers on-board satellites.

The Beacon Satellite Studies Group was originally formed in 1972, with the first
Symposium at Graz, Austria. Symposia have continued to meet at two to four year
intervals with meetings held at various worldwide locations. From the beginning,
the two main areas of interest in Beacon Satellite Studies have been Ionospheric
Electron Content and Scintillation. With more recent developments in ionospheric
tomography, assimilation models, occultation techniques, distributed ground and
space based arrays of ionospheric measurements, international IHY and IPY 
space weather and satellite based navigation and communication systems; these 
have gained new momentum and perspectives.

We invite you to attend this distinctive symposium. Details on the abstract 
process together with all the other organizational details are available on the 
Satellite web site at http://www.beaconsatellite2013.net.

It is our intent to assist with costs for a limited number of students and 
from developing countries. The total level of assistance will depend on sponsorship
funding. Information on applications for assistance is also available soon on the
web site.

We sincerely hope to see you in Bath for the 18th International Beacon Satellite

Yours sincerely,

Patricia Doherty, Cathryn Mitchell and P.V.S. Rama Rao,
Chairs of BSS2013

(3) August 25-30, 2013, 40th Annual European Meeting On Atmospheric Studies By 
Optical Methods (40AM), Andøya Rocket Range, Norway.
 From Kolbjørn Blix Dahle <kolbjorn at rocketrange.no>.

The 40th AM will be held at Andøya Rocket Range, Andenes in Norway
in the time period August 25th to 30th 2013.  We hereby kindly invite
you to participate in the 40th Optical Meeting organized at Andøya
Rocket Range.

A web page is under construction and will be open from February 11th.
It will be updated with deadlines, the program, the venue, practical
stuff like payment options etc, weather, sights and other information
as the meeting draws closer. The “first announcement and call for papers”
will show up in your inbox around Feb 11th.


(4) November 11-15, 2013, First COSPAR Symposium (“Planetary Systems of our Sun 
and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy”), Bangkok, Thailand - 
abstracts due 31 May.
 From Journe Venance (COSPAR) <Venance.Journe at cosparhq.cnes.fr>.

This Symposium is the first of a new series of events initiated by COSPAR
which aims to promote space research at a regional level in emerging
countries and will be held every two years in a different area of the
world. The Symposium will include multidisciplinary and training sessions.

This first Symposium will address the theme “Planetary Systems of our Sun
and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy”. It is open to
participants from all regions, but scientists, young professionals and
students in the Asian region are particularly encouraged to participate.
The Symposium will feature plenary lectures as well as parallel and poster

A Capacity Building Workshop entitled “Atmospheric Correction of Earth
Observation Data for Environmental Monitoring: Theory and Best Practices”
will also take place in Bangkok at GISTDA the week before the Symposium
from 4 to 8 November 2013 for which participants from the Asian region
will be selected by application.

For additional information, the detailed program, abstract submission (due 31 May),
deadlines and registration visit http://www.cospar2013.gistda.or.th or E-mail 
cospar2013 at gistda.or.th

(5) Proposals 2013 due March 28 (15 Feb for Letter of Intent) for International
Teams in Space and Earth Sciences at the International Space Science Institute
(ISSI), Bern, Switzerland.
 From  Maurizio Falanga <mfalanga at issibern.ch>.

The  International  Space  Science  Institute  (ISSI)  in  Bern, Switzerland,
invites  proposals  for  establishing  International  Teams to conduct on its
premises    research   activities   in   Space   Sciences,   based   on   the
interdisciplinary  analysis  and  evaluation  of  data  from  spacecraft  and
possible integration with ground data and theoretical models. For the purpose
of  this  Call,  Space  Sciences  include the Solar and Heliospheric Physics,
Solar-Terrestrial   Sciences,   Space   Plasma  and  Magnetospheric  Physics,
Planetary   Sciences,   Astrobiology,  Cosmology,  Astrophysics,  Fundamental
Physics in Space, and Earth Sciences using Space data.

Letter of Intent:           February 15, 2013

Deadline for proposals:     March 28, 2013

The Call for International Teams proposal is available on the ISSI web site:

(6) PDF/Research Associate Opportunities in Space Physics and Aeronomy at the 
University of Calgary - application review starts February 15.
 From Eric Donovan (edonovan at ucalgary.ca) Reply to Eric if interested.

The Space Physics research group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
(URL http://phas.ucalgary.ca/ )
at the University of Calgary has a number of exciting new programs that provide
excellent career building opportunities for recent PhD graduates. The research
group is an established international leader, presently consisting of five
faculty members, six PDFs/RAs, together with engineers, technicians, and
students. We lead the new Canadian south-facing Resolute Bay Incoherent
Scatter Radar ("RISR-C"), the electric fields instrument on ESA's Swarm
satellite, Canadian participation in THEMIS-ASI, the upcoming ePOP satellite
mission, among other major initiatives. As well, the Space Physics group is
developing new research collaborations with the Department of Geomatics
Engineering in the University of Calgary Schulich School of Engineering,
a world leader in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS including GPS)
research and technology transfer.

We are seeking two outstanding PostDoctoral Fellows (or Research Associates)
in space physics. Both opportunities are for two years with the possibility
of extension to additional years. The salaries will be competitive internationally,
and in both cases remuneration for teaching (if the candidate chooses to do so)
will be over and above base salary. Candidates should be either expecting to
graduate with a relevant PhD soon, or recently graduated with a PhD. Candidates 
interested in applying for either or both of these positions should contact 
Professor Eric Donovan (edonovan at ucalgary.ca).  The specifics of the two 
opportunities are presented in the following two paragraphs.  We will begin 
considering applications
by February 15th, and will accept applications until the positions are filled.

(1) “Eyes High” Postdoctoral Position in “Ionospheric Impact on Global 
Navigation Satellite Systems”

This prestigious University of Calgary “Eyes High” postdoctoral position will
support a PDF who will develop a research program investigating how ionospheric
processes (primarily scintillations) affect the accuracy of satellite navigation
systems including GPS. This program will use RISR-C together with a network of
GNSS receivers and ionospheric scintillation monitors, and will involve the
opportunity to work on timely research problems with a team of engineers, space
physicists, and industry sponsors, and the opportunity to develop a 
course teaching upper level physics students about the relationship between space
weather and satellite navigation systems including GPS. This position will provide
a PhD-holding space physicist/aeronomer inter-disciplinary experience and 
career prospects in both academia and industry.

(2) Postdoctoral or Research Associate Position in “Polar Cap Aeronomy and Space 

This opportunity will enable an outstanding candidate with a relevant PhD to 
an innovative research program in aeronomy, auroral physics, ionospheric 
electrodynamics and/or ionospheric plasma physics, using the new instrumentation
coming online in the polar cap. At the heart of this new research program is the
new RISR-C facility, together with new auroral imagers, the Swarm E-field 
and ePOP, all of which will provide new and exciting insights into the high 
geospace system. The hallmark of this position will be the opportunity to 
the ability to develop and lead a state-of-the-art research program, with the
opportunity to teach if the candidate wishes.


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