CEDAR email: Solar Min Chapman abstracts due TODAY; REU at SRI due 15 Feb; CEDAR Prize nominations and workshops due Feb 8 and Mar 1; C/NOFS meeting abstracts due 25 Jan

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Jan 8 14:10:18 MST 2013

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 08 Jan 2013.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Chapman Conference on Solar Minimum 8-12 April at Key Largo, FL abstract 
deadline is 8 January 2013 (TODAY).
 From Stan Solomon <stans at ucar.edu>.
See also http://chapman.agu.org/solarminimum/

(2) NSF REU program announcement for a summer internship in 2013 at SRI due 15 Feb.
 From Sanhita Dixit <sanhita.dixit at sri.com>.
See also http://www.sri.com/careers/research-experience-undergraduates-program

(3) Nominations for the CEDAR Prize Lecture are due 8 February.
 From Gary Bust (gary.bust at jhuapl.edu).
See also  http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Workshop:CEDAR_Prize

(4) Solicitations for CEDAR Workshops due 1 March and must address a
science challenge and be justified by the 2012 Decadal Survey or the
2010 CEDAR Strategic Plan.
 From CSSC chair Dave Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu).
See also http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Workshop:Guidelines

(5) C/NOFS Results and Equatorial Dynamics Meeting (Mar 12-14 at Albuquerque, 
NM) - Second Announcement - abstracts due 25 January.
 From <patricia.doherty at bc.edu> and <odile.delabeaujardiere at kirtland.af.mil>.
See also https://isrconferences.bc.edu/CNOFS/

(1) Chapman Conference on Solar Minimum 8-12 April at Key Largo, FL abstract 
deadline is 8 January 2013 (TODAY).
 From Stan Solomon <stans at ucar.edu>.

The upcoming Chapman Conference on the Causes
and Consequences of the Extended Solar Minimum between solar cycles 23
and 24 (4CESM), it is scheduled for 8-12 April, 2013, at the Hilton Key
Largo Resort, Key Largo, Florida.

The abstract deadline is  8 January 2013.

The registration and housing deadline is 13 March 2013.

For more information:  http://chapman.agu.org/solarminimum/

(2) NSF REU program announcement for a summer internship in 2013 at SRI due 15 Feb.
 From Sanhita Dixit <sanhita.dixit at sri.com>.

The Molecular Physics laboratory at SRI International has an active NSF REU 
Details about the summer program can be found at 
http://www.sri.com/careers/research-experience-undergraduates-program and we are 
currently accepting applications for this summer.

Briefly, The REU program at SRI International provides opportunities for 
outstanding undergraduates to participate in research at SRI and to benefit from 
the collegial atmosphere of collaboration and communication among all members of 
the laboratory. SRI is proud to host its 20th year of the REU program. More than 
160 students have participated in this program and have had excellent 
experiences in laboratory research, frequently leading to publications.

Examples of ongoing projects:

*    Atmospheric chemistry and photophysics
*    Biological mass spectrometry
*    Biomedical optics and imaging for cancer detection
*    Combustion chemistry
*    Energy transfer in collisions of small molecules
*    Laboratory studies of terrestrial and planetary atmospheric processes
*    Laser detection of explosives and atmospheric pollutants
*    Laser diagnostics of flames and plasmas
*    Microfluidics
*    Nonlinear optics
*    Spectroscopy of molecular dissociation

Undergraduate participants must be enrolled in a program leading to the 
bachelor's degree and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United 
States or its possessions. Students who will graduate and receive their 
bachelor's degree in 2013 are not eligible.

The 2013 REU program will be conducted at SRI during the period of May 28 to 
August 16, 2013. It is usually possible to adjust start and end dates by a few 
weeks for an individual participant, to accommodate conflicts with the academic 
calendar of the participant's school.

Deadline for Applications: February 15, 2013. The website listed above has a 
link to the application form. All application documents, including letters of 
recommendation, must be received by this date in order for the application to be 

For further information or application materials, please contact:

*REU Program - PS087
*Molecular Physics Laboratory
*SRI International
*333 Ravenswood Avenue
*Menlo Park, CA 94025

*Fax: (650) 859-6196
*Email: reu at .sri.com
*Phone: (650) 859-4614 (Dr. Sanhita Dixit) or (650) 859-4131 (Dr. Gregory Faris)

SRI International is an equal opportunity employer and adheres to all state and 
federal regulations. The REU program welcomes applications from women and 
members of under-represented minority groups.

(3) Nominations for the CEDAR Prize Lecture are due 8 February.
 From Gary Bust (gary.bust at jhuapl.edu).

Nominations for the CEDAR Prize lecture are due Friday February 8 using
the form at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Workshop:CEDAR_Prize
(or a separate similar form for CSSC members at the CSSC wiki).  The CEDAR
Prize lecture was instituted in 1989 and honors an outstanding science
contribution to CEDAR. The recipient of the award presents an invited
45 minute talk at the annual CEDAR meeting in June. The nomination is
based on a research paper reported in a peer-reviewed publication
within the previous four years.

(4) Solicitations for CEDAR Workshops due 1 March and must address a
science challenge and be justified by the 2012 Decadal Survey or the
2010 CEDAR Strategic Plan.
 From CSSC chair Dave Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu).

The CEDAR Science Steering Committee solicits workshop session proposals
for the June 24-28 meeting in Boulder, CO <font color=red>DUE FRIDAY MARCH 1</font>
via the workshop proposal form 

These sessions should support the goals of the NSF CEDAR program and the
theme of the 2013 meeting, which is to identify and address the grand
challenges in the science disciplines that fall into the CEDAR domain.

Sessions should address the science priorities in the field of aeronomy
and space physics for the upcoming decade described by the recent Decadal
Survey for Solar and Space Physics from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
(see http://sites.nationalacademies.org/ssb/currentprojects/ssb_056864 and the 
[[media:NAS_2012_Decadal_Brief_Report.pdf | NAS Report in Brief]] and also the 
[[media:Decadal_CSSC_Briefing_v2.pdf | 2013-2022 Decadal Briefing to the CSSC]]) 
.  Sessions should identify a particular science challenge and outline an approach
to meet it.  Successful sessions will address  1) how the associated questions
will be addressed, 2) what resources exist, are planned, or are needed, and
3) how progress should be measured.  The justification for the sessions should
also relate to the 2010 
[http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/images/e/eb/CEDAR_October_V9.2.pdf CEDAR 
Strategic Plan].

Please see further details in the
[http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/Workshop:Guidelines Guidelines for 
Workshop Conveners].

Workshop contributors should be apprised of the session goals and
encouraged to contribute directly to the effort. Workshop reports
will be required within 60 days of the end of the workshop and will
be published in the CEDAR Post and archived on their individual workshop
pages on the CEDAR wiki for the 2013 CEDAR Workshop.

(5) C/NOFS Results and Equatorial Dynamics Meeting (Mar 12-14 at Albuquerque, 
NM) - Second Announcement - abstracts due 25 January.
 From <patricia.doherty at bc.edu> and <odile.delabeaujardiere at kirtland.af.mil>.

This is the second announcement for the C/NOFS Results and Equatorial Dynamics 
Technical Interchange Meeting. This meeting will be held for 2½ days on 12-14 
March 2013 at the Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Deadline for 
abstracts is 25 January 2013 at midnight Eastern Time.

The objective of this meeting is to address questions related to the dynamics of 
the equatorial ionosphere, how it is driven from above by the solar wind and 
from below by the troposphere and mesosphere, how it varies as a function of 
altitude, latitude, longitude and solar activity. Results from the 
Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite, as well 
as other ground and space instruments, will be presented. Meeting discussions 
will also relate to science questions that can specifically be addressed with 
C/NOFS during solar maximum and close to the time of reentry when its orbit 
circularizes. It will also address future programs, including the Space 
Situational Awareness Environmental Monitoring (SSAEM) mission planned for 2015 
on COSMIC 2, upcoming CubeSat flights and other planned missions.

The scientific sessions will bring together the C/NOFS PIs and Guest 
Investigators, theoreticians, data analysts, and equatorial ionospheric 
physicists in a technical interchange setting that includes both invited and 
contributed talks, posters, and panel discussions.

Abstracts on all equatorial ionospheric topics will be considered with 
particular emphasis on the following three session topics:

* Session A: Ambient Ionospheric and Thermosphere
**	Organizers: Jeff Klenzing, John Retterer and Russell Stoneback
* Session B: Transient Phenomena in the Low-latitude Ionosphere
**	Organizers: Chaosong Huang, Fabiano Rodrigues and Roland Tsunoda
* Session C: New Missions, New Sensors, New Science and Engineering Issues
**	Organizers: Louise Gentile, Cheryl Huang and Jann-Yeng (Tiger) Liu

Additional Information on the session topics, on-line abstract submission, 
on-line registration and other logistics are now available on the website: 

For more information, please contact the organizing committee:

Patricia Doherty (Patricia.Doherty at bc.edu), Odile de La Beaujardiere,
Louise Gentile, Chaosong Huang, Cheryl Huang, Jeffrey Klenzing, John Retterer,
Patrick Roddy, Fabiano Rodrigues, Russell Stoneback, Yi-Jiun Su and Roland Tsunoda.


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