CEDAR email: Extreme Space Weather report; GEM-CEDAR weekend workshop solicitation; IRI Workshop in Poland; CCMC student research contest; job in Finland

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Tue Feb 12 13:45:51 MST 2013

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 11 Feb 2013.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) “Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure” 
from UK on-line at 
 From Paul Cannon <pcannon at qinetiq.com> via URSI-CG Distribution 8 Feb.

(2) Solicitations for Weekend GEM-CEDAR workshop June 22-23, Boulder, CO.
Reply to Larry Lyons <larry at atmos.ucla.edu>.
See also http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/2013_GEM-CEDAR_Workshop and 

(3) IRI Workshop at the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn, 
Poland, June 24 to 28, 2013 - abstracts due March 15.
From: Dieter Bilitza <dbilitza at gmu.edu> and Andrzej Krankowski <kand at 
See also http://www.uwm.edu.pl/kaig/iri_workshop_2013

(4) CCMC Student Research Contest - projects due 7 May - winners get funding to 
go to CEDAR, GEM, or SHINE where they are invited to present their work in the 
CCMC workshops.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).
See also http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/contest-2013/

(5) Space Physics Lectureship Position, Department of Physics, University of 
Helsinki, Finland - applications due 8 March.
From: Hannu Koskinen <Hannu.E.Koskinen at helsinki.fi> in SPA Newsletter 7 Feb.
See also http://www.helsinki.fi/recruitment/index.html?id=63620

(1) “Extreme space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure” 
from UK on-line at 
 From Paul Cannon <pcannon at qinetiq.com> via URSI-CG Distribution 8 Feb.

The UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering has just published its report on “Extreme 
space weather: impacts on engineered systems and infrastructure”. This is an 
in-depth assessment of the potential impacts of solar superstorms. The report 
was drawn up with the help of experts from many different disciplines. The 
report makes many recommendations to government and industry on measures to 
improve resilience against space weather.

A press release on the report is available on


This also includes a link to download the full report


A summary of the report is available on


Please feel free to distribute this email to your colleagues.

Best wishes

Paul Cannon (Study Report Chair)

(2) Solicitations for Weekend GEM-CEDAR workshop June 22-23, Boulder, CO.
Reply to Larry Lyons <larry at atmos.ucla.edu>.

The Organizing Committee is soliciting contributions to and participation
in a coordinated GEM-CEDAR workshop that is directed toward motivating
progress in understanding the very many aspects of the Geospace environment
that involve the full Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) system
and towards encouraging continued coordinated GEM-CEDAR activity for the
future. The workshop will be held the weekend between GEM and CEDAR,
Sat-Sun June 22-23, 2013, in Boulder, CO. Some activities related to
the workshop may extend to the first day of CEDAR, June 24, which will
be held at the same venue.  A description of the motivation and goals
of the workshop, as well as a list of topics to guide presentations and
discussion, are available at:

The workshop schedule will consist of invited presentations, short
contributed talks, and extended discussions about present understanding
and future directions. Please send your desire to participate in the
workshop to Larry Lyons (larry at atmos.ucla.edu), chair of the
organizing committee, by March 20, 2013 . If you would like to give
a contributed presentation, please include a statement identifying
the main topic (A-E) from the URLS (and summarized below) and a draft
title. We would like to maintain a lively workshop atmosphere, so
contributed talks should be limited to only a handful of slides.
Students and post-docs are particularly encouraged to attend.

Confirmed invited participants are: Nick Omidi, Drew Turner, Delores Knipp,
Yue Deng, Per Even Sandholt, Anthea Coster, Stefan Eriksson, Bob Lysak,
Shasha Zou, Chih-Ping Wang, Yongliang Zhag, Joe Huba, Bela Fejer,
Yuri Shprits, Vania Jordanova, Howard Singer, Mike Rouhoniemi,
Art Richmond, Yihua Zheng, Lutz Raestatter, and Astrid Maute.

The generalized workshop topics are (with multiple sub-topics listed in the URLS):
*A. Dayside MIT response to transient solar wind, bow shock, and magnetopause 
*B. Structure and dynamics of polar cap ionospheric convection and plasma
*C. Active MIT coupling on closed magnetic field lines
*D. Coordinated use of space-based RBSP/THEMIS and ground-based observations to 
address geomagnetic storm phenomena, including ring current and radiation belt 
formation, and plasmasphere evolution
*E. Coordinated model-data studies to support new and innovative CEDAR/GEM science

(3) IRI Workshop at the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn, 
Poland, June 24 to 28, 2013 - abstracts due March 15.
From: Dieter Bilitza <dbilitza at gmu.edu> and Andrzej Krankowski <kand at 

The 2013 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop will be held at the 
University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn, Poland from June 24 to 28, 
2013. The workshop will be hosted by the Department of Astronomy and Geodynamics 
of UWM with Andrzej Krankowski as the Local Organizer. IRI is a joint project of 
the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the International Union of Radio 
Science (URSI) that brings together ionospheric modelers and experimenters with 
the goal of developing and improving a data-based international reference model 
for the ionosphere.

The focus of this year's workshop will be on "IRI and GNSS". Key topics covered 
will include:
* Improvements of IRI with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data
* GNSS monitoring of ionosphere (TEC, fluctuation and scintillation effects)
* Real-Time IRI including the representation of storm-time effects
* Modeling the high latitudes ionosphere
* Mapping of ionospheric peak parameters
* The Ionosphere and IRI during the recent solar cycle
* New inputs for IRI
* IRI Applications

The conference website is at http://www.uwm.edu.pl/kaig/iri_workshop_2013
The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 15, 2013.

Olsztyn is a 3-hour bus ride from the Warsaw International Airport (Chopin). 
Transfer between the airport and Olsztyn hotels will be organized.
The IRI homepage is at http://iri.gsfc.nasa.gov.

(4) CCMC Student Research Contest - projects due 7 May - winners get funding to 
go to CEDAR, GEM, or SHINE where they are invited to present their work in the 
CCMC workshops.
 From Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov).

The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) and National Science Foundation 
(NSF) are pleased to announce the second annual CCMC Student Research Contest:

We invite undergraduate and graduate students who are using (or have recently 
used) CCMC tools and services in a research project or as a part of coursework 
to enter the contest. A successful project could involve the use of CCMC tools 
to demonstrate a physical process or concept in new and creative ways, or to 
gain new understanding of one of the many unanswered questions in space physics.

Winners will be invited to present their work at the 2013 CEDAR, GEM, and SHINE 
workshops. A fixed amount of travel support will be awarded to cover airfare and 
lodging (exact amount to be determined).

The report (not to exceed 10 pages) should include a problem statement, 
description of the CCMC models and tools used, results, discussion, conclusions, 
and references. The report should include figures, at least one of which 
generated with CCMC visualization tools, to convey the results in a clear and 
interesting manner. Ideally, a report can be used as a base for a paper. For 
projects completed as part of a collaborative effort, or under the supervision 
of a mentor, please include a statement describing which tasks were completed by 
the student.

A panel of scientists, none of whom will be CCMC staff members, will evaluate 
the reports. Therefore, students are encouraged to contact CCMC staff members 
regarding the models and tools available, for consultation on possible research 
projects, or for assistance with submitting runs or visualizing results. The 
full list of staff members is http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/.

For examples of previous winning reports, see Results of the First CCMC Student 
Research Contest: http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/contest-winners.php

Deadline for report submission is May 7, 2013. Winners will be announced by 

*Student Research Contest Application Form:
*Student Research Contest Application Form (in PDF):

CCMC Tools and Services

*	Rebekah Evans, CCMC, Rebekah.e.frolov at nasa.gov
*	Masha Kuznetsova, CCMC, Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov
*	Therese Moretto, NSF, tjorgens at nsf.gov

Students are encouraged to learn more about research opportunities using CCMC 
tools and services during community Workshops, by contacting CCMC staff and 
other scientists familiar with CCMC tools and services.

(5) Space Physics Lectureship Position, Department of Physics, University of 
Helsinki, Finland - applications due 8 March.
From: Hannu Koskinen <Hannu.E.Koskinen at helsinki.fi> in SPA Newsletter 7 Feb.

The Department of Physics of the University of Helsinki, Finland, has an open
Physics lectureship position in the field of Space Physics for a 5-year term.
The full announcement can be found at


The dead-line for applications is 8 March 2013 at 15.45 local Helsinki time.

For more information please contact
Professor Hannu Koskinen (Hannu.E.Koskinen at helsinki.fi)


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