CEDAR email: EISCAT international symposium 12-16 August 2013 - registration open

Kosch, Mike m.kosch at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Apr 2 17:25:29 MDT 2013

EISCAT international symposium 12-16 August 2013 - registration open

The EISCAT international symposium on incoherent scatter radar based research will run 12-16 August 2013 at Lancaster University in the UK. Regardless of which facility you might use, you are all most welcome and invited to attend. Please visit http://eiscat2013.lancs.ac.uk<http://eiscat2013.lancs.ac.uk/> for further information on travel and sessions as well as details on how to register, book accommodation and submit your abstracts. The planned sessions are:

  1.  Ionospheric modification and plasma physics.
  2.  EISCAT_3D science – the future of ISR science.
  3.  Novel techniques and applications – the future of ISR and radar, including the ESR third dish.
  4.  Space weather – including space debris, applications and impact.
  5.  Mesosphere and D-region phenomena – including MST science, meteors, dusty plasma and sudden stratospheric warming.
  6.  The coupled geospace environment – including multi-scale coupling between the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere as well as field-aligned currents, waves and auroral phenomena.
  7.  EISCAT in the global context – including related ground-based instruments and space missions, both current and future.
  8.  Environmental change – including variability, long-term trends and solar forcing.
  9.  Posters on any session or related topic.

Please note that the early bird registration fee has a deadline of 15 May 2013.

Local Organising Committee

(Chair Mike Kosch)
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