CEDAR email: SPA-SPD meeting poll, job in Norway, meetings in NM, CO, Ethiopia, and Indonesia
Barbara Emery
emery at ucar.edu
Tue May 29 18:18:59 MDT 2012
This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 29 May 2012.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) Poll of Possible Joint Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) and Solar Physics
Division (SPD Meeting - respond 'yes' or 'no' to James Klimchuk (GSFC-6710)
<james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov>.
(2) Job as Associate Professor in Space Physics at University of Tromso, Norway
- applications due 24 June.
From Fredriksen Åshild <ashild.fredriksen at uit.no>.
See also http://www.jobbnorge.no/job.aspx?jobid=83536
(3) CEDAR Workshop: ‘Can we build a scientifically justified and well-integrated
plan for the future development and deployment of existing and new Incoherent
Scatter Radars?’, Tuesday 26 June 2012, 1000AM-noon Sunset, Santa Fe, NM.
From Organizer Tony van Eyken (anthony.vaneyken at sri.com) and Chair Dave
Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu).
See also
(4) Joint Cluster-THEMIS meeting (including ARTEMIS), LASP, Colorado, USA,
1-5 October 2012.
From Matt Taylor <mtaylor at rssd.esa.int> and May 25 SPA Newsletter.
See also http://sci.esa.int/clusterworkshop
(5) International AGU Chapman Conference on: "Hemispheric and Longitude
Dependence of Space Weather", 12-16 November 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -
Abstracts due 12 July 2012.
From Tim Fuller-Rowell <tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov>.
See also http://www.agu.org/meetings/chapman/2012/fcall/
(6) ISWI & MAGDAS School, September 17 – 26, 2012, Bandung, Indonesia -
applications due 30 June.
From: Nat Gopalswamy <nat.gopalswamy at nasa.gov> and May 25 SPA Newsletter.
See also http://iswimagdas2012.dirgantara-lapan.or.id/application/register.php
(1) Poll of Possible Joint Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) and Solar Physics
Division (SPD Meeting - respond 'yes' or 'no' (to the email below)
From James Klimchuk (GSFC-6710) <james.a.klimchuk at nasa.gov>.
Several months ago, I conducted a survey about a possible joint meeting between
the AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section and the AAS Solar Physics
Division (SPD). The motivation for the idea is reproduced below from the
original article. The responses were overwhelmingly in favor of a joint meeting
(94%), and many people were enthusiastically supportive in their written
comments. However, the total number of respondents was rather low (79). Before
proceeding with a joint meeting, we need to know whether there would be strong
participation from all communities, especially from the geospace community. We
can count on many solar and inner heliospheric scientists, but how many
ionospheric, magnetospheric, and outer heliospheric scientists would attend?
Please help by sending an e-mail to James.A.Klimchuk at nasa.gov with a simple
“yes” or “no” in the subject line in response to this question:
<b>If a joint SPA-SPD meeting were held every third year in the spring
timeframe, would you likely attend?</b>
Please indicate in the body of the message whether your primary AGU affiliation
is with SA (Aeronomy), SM (Magnetospheric Physics), or SH (Solar and
Heliospheric Physics). Thank you very much for your help.
From the original article:
As many of you will recall, there was a tradition for the Solar Physics Division
(SPD) of the American Astronomical Society to meet jointly with American
Geophysical Union every third spring. This practice stopped in 2008 when the
AGU switched to the Meeting of the Americas format. We are now exploring
whether there is interest in restarting joint meetings, but this time with only
the Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section, not the full AGU. The suggestion
is to meet every third year in the spring timeframe. This would constitute the
annual SPD meeting for that year, as before, but it would be an entirely new
meeting for the rest of the SPA community. There would be cross-disciplinary
sessions among solar, heliospheric, magnetospheric, and ionospheric physics, but
a majority of sessions would likely be “stand alone.” The primary benefit is to
gather together the full Heliophysics community at one venue. Valuable
interactions would take place during poster sessions, formal social events
(e.g., ice breaker and banquet), and informal gatherings at restaurants and
“refreshment establishments.”
While scientific exchange is the main purpose of the meeting, it is becoming
increasingly apparent that the whole Heliophysics community must stand united in
order to maintain and, hopefully, increase its support from the national funding
agencies. A joint meeting would be one way to promote this unity and would be
an ideal opportunity for the community to advocate and to develop strategies for
advocating our science.
James A. Klimchuk, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, <james.a.klimchuk at
(2) Job as Associate Professor in Space Physics at University of Tromso, Norway
- applications due 24 June.
From Fredriksen Åshild <ashild.fredriksen at uit.no>.
<b>Associate Professor in Space Physics:</b>
Førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) in Space Physics at the Faculty of
Science and Technology, Department of Physics and Technology.
*Application deadline: 24.6.2012
*Applications shall be marked: Ref. 2012/1596
The University of Tromsø, Faculty of Science and Technology, has a position
vacant as førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) in Space Physics. The position
belongs to the Department of Physics and Technology, and the research group in
Space Physics.
Further information about the position is available by contacting: Head of
Department, Professor Alfred Hanssen email: Alfred.hanssen at uit.no, tel.: +47 77
64 51 82, or Professor Unni Pia Løvhaug email: unni.pia.lovhaug at uit.no, tel.:
+47 77 64 62 92 More information can be found at
Application documents shall be sent to: Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway. In addition the application must be
submitted electronically via the application form available at this page.
<b>The position’s affiliation:</b>
The Faculty of Science and Technology consists of the following departments:
Department of Chemistry, Department of Computer Science, Department of
Engineering and Safety, Department of Geology, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, and Department of Physics and Technology.
The Department of Physics and Technology consists of three research groups: (1)
Energy and climate physics, (2) Space physics, and (3) Electrical engineering.
The department provides education at the Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. The
department comprises 18 permanent professors, and a technical/administrative
staff of 9 persons. The department conducts research and education at a high
international level, and our employees are engaged in several international
collaborative projects.
The position’s field of research/field of work In consideration of the group’s
research development and resources of the department, the successful applicant
must be prepared to take part in research activities within fields already
established within the group. Within the space physics group at the Department
of Physics and Technology, the main research activity within the polar upper
atmosphere (ionosphere) is by usage of EISCAT’s incoherent scatter radar- and
heating facilities as well as ground-based infrastructure in Ramfjordmoen near
Tromsø, as well as the EISCAT Svalbard Radar. EISCAT is an international
research project where 7 countries are participating. A new EISCAT 3D system is
in a preparatory phase, funded by EU. Facilities for high resolution
interferometric observations of fine structures in the ionosphere as well as
mesospheric studies have been employed recently. The group is involved in rocket
experiments from the Andøya Rocket Range and from Svalbard, and takes part in
the research at the LIDAR facility ALOMAR at Andøya. The experimental activity
at the in-house plasma laboratory (Aurolab) is oriented towards phenomena and
processes with relevance for the ionosphere and for solar wind plasmas.
<b>Qualification requirements:</b>
For appointment as førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor), the applicant requires:
*A Norwegian doctoral degree in the subject area concerned or a corresponding
foreign doctoral degree recognised as equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree or
*competence at a corresponding level documented by academic work of the same
scope and quality.
The applicant must be able to document scientific knowledge at high
international standard and teaching experience within the field of space physics
and/or space plasma physics.
The successful applicant must participate in the teaching of general and space
physics to students, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, including
providing supervision for master’s and PhD thesis projects.
The department wants to strengthen the experimental activity in space physics,
in particular by initiating experiments that will utilise the large research
infrastructure that exists in northern Norway and on Svalbard. It is expected
that the successful applicant will cooperate with national as well as
international research groups, and that he/she commits to take an active role in
attracting external research funding.
Further, applicants must be able to document teaching qualifications in the form
of university-level teaching seminars, other teaching education or through
having developed a teaching portfolio. Alternatively, after carrying out an
assessment of the applicant’s practical teaching skills, the committee may
determine that this may be regarded as of equal value to formal teaching
qualifications. For further information about requirements for teaching
qualifications, refer to the website about teacher training courses.
Emphasis shall be attached to personal suitability.
Applicants must have a good command of Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, or he /she
must be willing to learn Norwegian within a reasonable period.
<b>Working conditions:</b>
At the University of Tromsø the allocation of working hours shall be flexible
and allocated on a case by case basis.
As a general principle, a førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) shall spend an
equal amount of time on teaching and research and development work, after time
spent on other duties has been deducted. As a norm the time resources spent on
administrative duties constitutes 5 % for academic staff in this category of
Moreover, applicants shall refer to the Retningslinjer for fordeling av
arbeidstid for ansatte i undervisnings- og forskerstillinger (Guidelines for
allocation of working hours in teaching and research positions).
Employees in permanent positions as førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) have
the right to apply for a paid sabbatical (research and development), cf.
Retningslinjene for fordeling av FoU-termin (Guidelines for the allocation of
R&D sabbatical).
The successful applicant must be willing to engage himself/herself in the
ongoing development of his/her discipline and the university as a whole.
Remuneration for førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor) is in accordance with
the State salary scale code 1011. A compulsory contribution of 2 % to the
Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund will be deducted.
The applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. The committee’s mandate
is to undertake an assessment of the applicants’ qualifications based on the
written material presented by the applicants, and the detailed description drawn
up for the position.
The applicants who are assessed as the best qualified will be called to an
interview. The interview shall among other things aim to clarify the applicant’s
personal suitability for the position. A trial lecture may also be held.
<b>Interim appointment:</b>
In the event that there are no suitably qualified applicants for the position,
an interim appointment for a period of no more than three years may be made, cf.
Section 5 no. 1 of the regulations appurtenant to the Civil Service Act and
Section 6-5; subsection 1 of the Act relating to universities and university
colleges. A permanent appointment shall be made upon application before the
three-year period elapses based on a new assessment. The appointment will become
permanent in the event that the applicant is found to be suitably qualified.
In the event of an interim appointment on the basis of lacking teaching
qualifications, the applicant must document teaching qualifications through
developing a teaching portfolio before the three-year period elapses. The
appointment will become permanent in the event that the applicant is found to be
suitably qualified.
<b>Gender balance:</b>
The University of Tromsø wishes to increase the proportion of females in senior
research positions. In the event that two or more applicants are found to be
approximately equally qualified, female applicants will be given priority.
The application must be submitted electronically via the application form
available at this page.
Note however, that it is not possible to send attachments via this application.
In addition, by the application deadline, four (4) copies of the following shall
be sent directly to
Faculty of Science and Technology,
University of Tromsø,
NO-9037 Tromsø,
*Letter of application
*CV (containing a complete overview of education, supervised professional
training and professional work)
*Certified copies of diplomas and references
*Form for documentation of teaching qualifications
*List of works and description of these (see below) The list of works shall
contain the following information:
*author(s), the work’s title
*for articles: the journal’s name and volume, the first and last page of the
article, year of publication
*for publications: publisher, printer, year of publication, number of pages
Academic works The applicant may submit up to 10 works that are central to
his/her production. The applicant’s doctoral thesis is regarded in this context
as one work.
The works must be submitted in three (3) copies arranged as three (3) complete
sets. In addition, applicants may submit one copy of his/her additional listed
In addition, the applicant shall provide a description of his/her scientific
production stating which works he/she considers the most important and shall
therefore be the main emphasis of the assessment. A brief description of the
other listed works shall also be included to demonstrate depth of production.
These descriptions shall be an attachment to the application.
The works are to be sent, by the closing date for applications, directly to the
above-mentioned address.
Applicants shall also refer to “Supplementary regulations for appointment and
promotion to teaching and research positions at the University of Tromsø” and
“Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts”.
Questions concerning the organisation of the working environment, such as the
physical state of the place of employment, health service, possibility for
flexible working hours, part time, etc. may be directed to the telephone
reference in this announcement.
The University of Tromsø has HR policy objectives that emphasize diversity, and
therefore encourages qualified applicants to apply regardless of their age,
gender, functional ability and national or ethnic background.
The University of Tromsø is an IW (Inclusive Workplace) enterprise, and will
therefore emphasize making the necessary adaptations to the working conditions
for employees with reduced functional ability.
Personal data given in an application or CV will be processed in accordance with
the Act relating to the processing of personal data (the Personal Data Act). In
accordance with Section 25 subsection 2 of the Freedom of Information Act, the
applicant may request not to be registered on the public list of applicants.
However, the University may nevertheless decide that the name of the applicant
will be made public. The applicant will receive advance notification in the
event of such publication.
9037 Tromsø,
(3) CEDAR Workshop: ‘Can we build a scientifically justified and well-integrated
plan for the future development and deployment of existing and new Incoherent
Scatter Radars?’, Tuesday 26 June 2012, 1000AM-noon Sunset, Santa Fe, NM.
From Organizer Tony van Eyken (anthony.vaneyken at sri.com) and Chair Dave
Hysell (david.hysell at cornell.edu).
A workshop is being organized to consider long-term deployment plans for the NSF
Incoherent Scatter Radar Facilities and the AMISR radars in particular.
Community input at the workshop will be an important component in the
development of the draft future deployment plan.
A small committee has been tasked to prepare multiple possible deployment plans
to inform discussion at this workshop. A number of these notional plans and
timelines for scientific investigations involving AMISR redeployments will be
Attendees will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and suggest and
promote new ideas about how best to utilize the UAF instruments in pursuit of
CEDAR goals. Substantial time will be available for these presentations and
for community discussion.
Please come prepared with ideas and, if necessary, an explanatory slide or two.
See also
(4) Joint Cluster-THEMIS meeting (including ARTEMIS), LASP, Colorado, USA,
1-5 October 2012.
From Matt Taylor <mtaylor at rssd.esa.int>> and May 25 SPA Newsletter.
Dear Colleagues,
As you may know, the third Joint Cluster -THEMIS meeting (including ARTEMIS)
will be hosted by our colleagues at LASP in Colorado, USA and
will be held 1-5 October 2012.
This announcement is to let you know that abstract submission and
registration are now open.
Please go to:
The aim of the workshop is to showcase the science of the our current
missions, particularly what can be done with multi-spacecraft missions and
with multi- mission spacecraft analysis.
Specific topics are:
*'Storms, substorms and magnetotail dynamics (including deep magnetotail and
lunar interactions)'
*'Solar wind, shocks and magnetosheath'
*'Aurora, MI-coupling and high latitude magnetosphere'
*'Magnetopause and boundary layers'
*'Inner magnetosphere dynamics'
During the afternoon of Wednesday 3 October the Cluster team will hold its
Annual Science Working Team (SWT) meeting during which time an update of
instrument and spacecraft operations will be presented. A similar session
will be held in parallel by the THEMIS/ARTEMIS team.
The workshop will consist of a plenary session and posters with the
possibility of splinters and workshop style sessions (inc posters) on the
various science addressed by Cluster and
THEMIS/ARTEMIS and to look to upcoming mission such as RBSP and MMS and how
our current missions can augment and enhance their science.
We already have over 40 invited speakers, including a number of overview
Best regards
Matt Taylor on behalf of the organising committee
(5) International AGU Chapman Conference on: "Hemispheric and Longitude
Dependence of Space Weather", 12-16 November 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -
Abstracts due 12 July 2012.
From Tim Fuller-Rowell <tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov>.
The International AGU Chapman Conference on "Longitude and Hemispheric
Dependence of Space Weather" will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-16
November 2012. The conference will focus on two overarching themes: A) How
does the ionospheric response to major solar events depend on hemisphere and
longitude; and B) Expand the study of space weather to include day-to-day
ionospheric variability, i.e., to those times when solar and geomagnetic
activities are moderate and forcing from the lower atmosphere drives a lot of
the variability. The latter will include examining the cause of longitude and
hemispheric dependence in total electron content (TEC) and occurrence of
plasma density irregularities.
The conference will include six main science topics:
(1) Hemispherical Dependence of Magnetospheric Energy Injection and the
Thermosphere-Ionosphere Response;
(2) Longitude and Hemispheric Dependence of Storm-Enhanced Densities (SED);
(3) Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to X-Ray and EUV
Time-History During Flares;
(4) Quiet-Time Longitude Spatial Structure in Total Electron Content and
(5) Temporal Response to Lower-Atmosphere Disturbances; and
(6) Ionospheric Irregularities and Scintillations.
The conference will also include a panel discussion on "What observations and
activities are needed in the region to address the outstanding science questions".
Further information will be available shortly:
Abstract deadline 12 July 2012
Patricia Doherty (patricia.doherty at bc.edu),
Endawoke Yizengaw (endawoke.kassie at bc.edu),
Tim Fuller-Rowell (tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov),
Gizaw Mengistu (gizaw_mengistu at gmx.net)
(6) ISWI & MAGDAS School, September 17 – 26, 2012, Bandung, Indonesia -
applications due 30 June.
From: Nat Gopalswamy <nat.gopalswamy at nasa.gov> and May 25 SPA Newsletter.
The International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) and the Scientific
Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) have joined hand in running
the 2012 Space Science School in Bandung, Indonesia during September 17-26,
2012. The school is hosted by the Space Science Center of National Institute
of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) in Indonesia. The MAGDAS group from the
Space environment Research Center (SERC) of Kyushu University is also a major
sponsor of the school. The present school is a continuation of the previous
successful schools conducted in Ethiopia (2010) and in Slovakia (2011).
The Space science school will be accompanied by a teacher workshop and
instrument workshops to expose the participants to the opportunities
available in hosting ground based instruments for space science research.
Examples are solar telescope network, GPS network, Magnetometer network, and
ionospheric monitors.
Lectures will cover from the solar interior to the impact of the solar
variability on the terrestrial space environment. Space weather and Earth’s
climate will also be included. In addition to lectures, the participants will
have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in data analysis, observing,
and instruments.
Selected participants will receive full funding. Participants with their own
funding are also welcome to apply, but the total number of participants will
be limited to about 60.
Please submit all the data requested in the application on or before the
registration due date on 30 June 2012. Incomplete applications will be
rejected without further consideration. Please visit the web site:
http://iswimagdas2012.bdg.lapan.go.id, go to Application online. One has to
register first to establish username and password before submitting the
application: http://iswimagdas2012.dirgantara-lapan.or.id/application/register.php
Nat Gopalswamy and Clara Yatini,
School Directors
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