CEDAR email: ESLAB Symposium Announcement

Louise Beierle louise at ucar.edu
Fri Mar 16 14:01:19 MDT 2012

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(1) ESLAB Symposium on “Formation and Evolution of Moons,” ESTEC, The
Netherlands, 25-29 June 2012

Please find in this message the second announcement and call for papers
of the symposium

“Formation and Evolution of Moons”

that will take place in ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 25-29 June 
2012. ESLAB is an annual meeting organised by the European Space 
Agency’s Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration Research and 
Scientific Support Department.

Understanding the formation and evolution of the natural satellites
of the planets is important, as a piece of the wider puzzle concerning
the formation and evolution of the solar system as a whole. Significant
progress has been achieved recently on the formation of the Moon and of
the regular satellites of the giant planets. However, many questions
regarding the different formation mechanisms are still unanswered.

The goal of the symposium is to review all possible scientific
mechanisms for forming the moons, and for driving their subsequent
evolutions, and their consequences on our current understanding of
solar system formation and evolution.

Topics will include the Earth-Moon system, Mars’ Phobos and Deimos,
the natural satellites of the giant planets and of Pluto and dwarf 
planets, ring-moon interactions, and the absence of moons around Mercury 
and Venus. Discussions will address the contributions of past and 
current missions, and ground-based observations, on future science 
mission goals.

URL:   http://tiny.cc/eslab-moons

The web page has been updated with the poster, list of invited speakers, 
registration page and student support.

Reminder: Deadline for abstract: 2nd April 2012
Abstract submission:

Deadline for student support: 7 May 2012

Best Regards
Olivier Witasse, on behalf of the organising committee

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