CEDAR email: WACCM-X released; meetings in Singapore, Ethiopia, and Peru

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Thu Mar 1 15:38:51 MST 2012

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 01 March 2012.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
All are in 'Quick Links' on the main page.
(1) CESM1.0.4/WACCM-X released at 
From: Hanli Liu <liuh at ucar.edu>.

(2) AOGS (August 13 - 17, 2012) in Singapore - abstracts due 12 March.
From: Yihua Zheng <yihua.zheng at nasa.gov>.
See also http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012

(3) 12-16 November 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AGU Chapman Conference: 
Longitude and Hemispheric Dependence of Space Weather - abstracts due 12 July.
From: Shermonta Grant <SGrant at agu.org> and Tim Fuller-Rowell 
(tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov).
See also http://www.agu.org/meetings/chapman/2012/fcall/

(4) 6th announcement for International Symposium of Equatorial Aeronomy, 
Paracas, Peru, March 12-16, 2012.
 From Jorge L. Chau (Chair) (JRO, Peru; jorge.chau at jro.igp.gob.pe).
See also http://jro-app.igp.gob.pe/isea13

(1) CESM1.0.4/WACCM-X released at 
From: Hanli Liu <liuh at ucar.edu>.

CESM1.0.4, the most recent version in the CESM1.0 series, has been released.
It is available at

This update provides the community with a version of CESM1.0 that supports the
Thermosphere/Ionosphere extension of WACCM (WACCM-X) and the capability to
configure cases using interannual forcing component sets (CIAF, DIAF, and GIAF).
CESM1.0.4 also includes enhancements, machine updates, and bug fixes, as noted
in the Release Notes and Notable Improvements sections on the CESM web page at
http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/tags  .

For directions on downloading the code, please refer to the CESM1.0.4 User's
Guide at
http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.0/cesm/cesm_doc_1_0_4/book1.html  .

If you have already downloaded an earlier version of the CESM1.0 code and you
have made modifications to the code base, you should consider using the 'svn
switch' operation to merge those modifications into this newer version of
CESM1.0. To use the 'svn switch' operation you will need to do the following:

# Make a backup copy of your sandbox -- this is important in case you encounter 
any problems with the update
# cd to the top of your working sandbox directory tree. For example, if you 
checked out the code in /home/user/cesm1_0_working_copy, then unix>  cd 
# Issue the following svn command
    unix>  svn switch

Note that using the svn switch operation may result in conflicts with modified
files in the local working copy. Files in conflict can be identified by a status
of 'C' when issuing the 'svn status' command after the switch.  These conflicts
may require that differences be resolved manually before use of the working copy
may continue. For help in resolving svn conflicts, please see the online
Subversion book athttp://svnbook.red-bean.com  and the Subversion website

Information pertaining to WACCM can also be found at 
A tutorial session on CESM/WACCM/WACCM-X is being planned for the 2012 CEDAR 

The CESM Software Engineering Group

(2) AOGS (August 13 - 17, 2012) in Singapore - abstracts due 12 March.
From: Yihua Zheng <yihua.zheng at nasa.gov>.

Dear Colleagues:

We welcome your participation in our session titled 'Improving Space Weather 
Forecast and Services: All Things Considered' at AOGS (August 13 - 17, 2012) in 
(http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012/mars2/pubSessionView.asp?sID=124). Your 
contribution will be greatly appreciated.

The website for the conference is 
http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012/public.asp?page=home.htm. Please note the 
deadline for abstract submission is March 12, 2012.

Thank you very much.

Yihua (on behalf of session conveners: Yihua Zheng, Lan Jian and Ryuho Kataoka)

*Session Title:     ST19: Improving space weather forecast and services: all 
things considered
*Main Convener(s): Dr. Yihua Zheng (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United 
States), yihua.zheng at nasa.gov
*Co-convener(s):   Dr. Lan Jian (UCLA, United States), lanjian at ucla.edu and Dr. 
Ryuho Kataoka (Tokyo Tech, Japan), ryuho at geo.titech.ac.jp
*Session Description: 	Improving space weather forecasts and services: all 
things considered

Awareness of space weather and its significance has been on the rise globally. 
As solar maximum of cycle 24 is approaching, this session aims to bring together 
all those involved in space weather science research and services to discuss 
innovative ways forward in achieving improved forecasting. All aspects (in 
theory, modeling and observations) are under consideration. We invite your views 
on how to boost forecasting capabilities with regard to CMEs (Coronal Mass 
Ejections)/flares and SEPs (Solar Energetic Particles), as well as on how to 
obtain high-fidelity and long lead-time refined regional forecasts for different 
spatial domains (heliosphere, magnetosphere, ionosphere, planetary environment, 
etc) and/or different applications (e.g. radiation hazards prediction, power 
grid safety, GPS accuracy, etc). Ways of maximizing science returns from the 
latest missions (SDO, STEREO, RBSP and many others) and fully utilizing all 
available observational assets (both space and ground) to benefit space weather 
operations will also be within the scope of the session.

(3) 12-16 November 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, AGU Chapman Conference: 
Longitude and Hemispheric Dependence of Space Weather - abstracts due 12 July.
From: Shermonta Grant <SGrant at agu.org> and Tim Fuller-Rowell 
(tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov).

The International AGU Chapman Conference on "Longitude and Hemispheric 
Dependence of Space Weather" will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12-16 
November 2012. The conference will focus on two overarching themes: A) How does 
the ionospheric response to major solar events depend on hemisphere and 
longitude; and B) Expand the study of space weather to include day-to-day 
ionospheric variability, i.e., to those times when solar and geomagnetic 
activities are moderate and forcing from the lower atmosphere drives a lot of 
the variability. The latter will include examining the cause of longitude and 
hemispheric dependence in total electron content (TEC) and occurrence of plasma 
density irregularities. The conference will include six main science topics (1) 
Hemispherical Dependence of Magnetospheric Energy Injection, (2) Longitude and 
Hemispheric Dependence of Storm-Enhanced Densities (SED), (3) Response to New 
Time-History of Solar Flares, (4) Quiet-Time Longitude Spatial Structure, (5) 
Temporal Response to the Lower-Atmosphere Disturbances, and (6) Climatology of 
TEC and Scintillation in Different Longitude Sectors. Further information will 
be available shortly.

Tim Fuller-Rowell (tim.fuller-rowell at noaa.gov), Patricia Doherty 
(patricia.doherty at bc.edu),
Endawoke Yizengaw (endawoke.kassie at bc.edu)

(4) 6th announcement for International Symposium of Equatorial Aeronomy, 
Paracas, Peru, March 12-16, 2012.
 From Jorge L. Chau (Chair) (JRO, Peru; jorge.chau at jro.igp.gob.pe).

Dear ISEA13 participants,

The ISEA13 meeting is around the corner. Below please find important information:

a) Ground transportation. An almost final list of transportation groups is 
already published at the link: 
http://jro-app.igp.gob.pe/isea13/pdf/transportation.pdf (inside the web site 
menu Travel info and Logistics) (and attached here). Participants are encouraged 
to verify their itinerary information and the transportation group to Paracas. 
The final list will be published on March 3rd, 2012. Later we will publish the 
other transportation groups (From Paracas, to JRO and from JRO).

Please take note that if you had not registered your information you might have 
to arrange your transportation on your own.

b)  Transportation in Lima. Those spending a night in Lima, take in count that 
you should arrange your own taxi service from the airport to the hotel in 
Miraflores, and viceversa, if applicable.  Those staying at La Hacienda in 
Miraflores or close to it, can contact them to help you with the taxi service 
(HOTELES LA HACIENDA <ventas at hoteleslahacienda.com>)

c) Registration on site can be done with Cash or Visa between Sunday and Wednesday.

d) Financial support. Reimbursements will be done between Monday and Tuesday. In 
order to expedite the process, those receiving airfare support, please send the 
cost of your ticket and proof of payment before the meeting.


The ISEA 13 International Organizing Committee

Jorge L. Chau (Chair) (JRO, Peru; jorge.chau at jro.igp.gob.pe),
Archana Bhattacharyya (IIG, India; archana at iigs.iigm.res.in),
Clezio M. Denardini (INPE, Brasil; denardin at dae.inpe.br),
David L. Hysell (Cornell University, USA; david.hysell at cornell.edu),
Erhan Kudeki (University of Illinois, USA; erhan at illinois.edu),
Jonathan Makela (University of Illinois, USA; jmakela at illinois.edu),
Kazuo Shiokawa (Nagoya University, Japan; shiokawa at stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp)


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