CEDAR email: CEDAR workshop 2012 on "MLT and thermosphere response to large-scale wave activity"

Jens Oberheide joberhe at clemson.edu
Mon Jun 4 11:18:45 MDT 2012

Dear Colleagues:

This is a call for CEDAR 2012 presentations in our "MLT and thermosphere response to large-scale wave activity" workshop, Tuesday, June 26, 1:30 PM. Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your results in this workshop.

Jens Oberheide, Clemson University, joberhe at clemson.edu
Ruth Lieberman, GATS, r.s.lieberman at gats-inc.com

This workshop addresses recent discoveries in lower-upper atmosphere coupling by large-scale waves such as tides and planetary waves including wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions. Both observational and modeling studies are welcome. Science questions to be addressed include:

- How does the wave spectrum evolve temporally and spatially in the MLT and thermosphere?

- How does the mean state of the MLT and thermosphere respond to wave forcing?

- What are the origins of the waves and their variability? 

Best regards,
Jens Oberheide

Jens Oberheide, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
102B Kinard Laboratory
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0978

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