CEDAR email: NSF seeks program directors for Aeronomy and Magnetosphere - applications due 2 Dec
Barbara Emery
emery at ucar.edu
Fri Nov 18 17:15:49 MST 2011
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(1) NSF Seeks Program Directors for Aeronomy and Magnetospheric Physics -
applications due 2 December.
From: Richard A. Behnke <rbehnke at nsf.gov>
The NSF is currently seeking qualified candidates for two Program Director
positions in Aeronomy (AER) and Magnetospheric Physics (MAG) in the
Directorate for Geosciences (GEO), Division of Atmospheric and Geospace
Sciences (AGS), Arlington, VA.
The Aeronomy program supports research on upper and middle atmosphere
phenomena of ionization, recombination, chemical reaction, photo emission,
and transport; the transport of energy, and momentum. This program also
supports research into mass in the mesosphere-thermosphere-ionosphere
system including the processes involved and the coupling of this global
system to the stratosphere below and magnetosphere above and the plasma
physics of phenomena manifested in the coupled ionosphere-magnetosphere
system, including the effects of high-power radio wave modification.
The Magnetospheric Physics program supports research on the magnetized
plasma envelope of the outer atmosphere, including energization by the solar
wind; the origin of geomagnetic storms and substorms; the population of the
magnetosphere by solar and ionospheric sources; the origin of electric fields;
the coupling among the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere; and waves
and instabilities in the natural plasma. Also supported are ground-based
observational programs at high latitudes and laboratory experiments
applicable to the geospace environment. Theoretical research programs may
include numerical simulations using a variety of MHD, hybrid and particle
codes. The analysis of data from all sources, whether ground-based or from
spacecraft, is also supported.
More information about the AGS and its programs can be found on its
website at http://www.nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?org=AGS.
A Program Director maintains a healthy balance of support for all
the needs of the research and education enterprise either through Program,
Division, Directorate, Foundation, or interagency activities; manages program
resources so as to provide optimal appropriate scientific judgment to insure
integrity and consistency in the grant/declination process without
conflict-of-interests, and with balance among appropriate sub-fields and
institutions, and participation of all qualified scientists; and pursues
affirmative action and EEO goals.
Applicants must possess a Ph.D. or equivalent experience in physics,
environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences, space sciences or a related
discipline. In addition, six or more years of successful research, research
administration, and/or managerial experience pertinent to the program are required.
Individuals interested in applying for one of these two vacancies should submit
their materials to Dr. Richard Behnke (rbehnke at nsf.gov) 703-292-4694,
Section Head for the Geospace Section in GEO/AGS. Applications must be
received by December 2, 2011.
NSF is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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