CEDAR email: NSF AGS (former CEDAR) postdocs due 2 Feb; meetings in Poland and Russia

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Thu Dec 29 18:09:16 MST 2011

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent 29 December 2011.
Meetings and jobs are listed at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu under
'Community' as 'Calendar of Meetings' and 'CEDAR related opportunities'.
CEDAR email messages are under 'Community' as 'CEDAR email Newsletters'.
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(1) Feb. 2, 2012 deadline for NSF AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.
 From Farzad Kamalabadi (fkamalab at nsf.gov).
See also http://nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=AGS.

(2) 20-24 August, 2012, Sopot, Poland, 39th annual European Meeting on 
Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods - abstracts due 18 May.
 From Tymon Zielinski <tymon at iopan.gda.pl>.
See also http://www.iopan.gda.pl/ASOM39/

(3) 24-30 June, 2012, Kaliningrad, Russia, III International Conference 
“Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety” (AIS-2012) - abstracts due 15 March.
 From Maxsim Klimenko (maxsim.klimenko at mail.ru).
See also http://www.ais2012.ru

(1) Feb. 2, 2012 deadline for NSF AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowships.
 From Farzad Kamalabadi (fkamalab at nsf.gov).

The NSF Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) consolidated and 
expanded the former AGS CEDAR, GEM and SHINE fellowships so that one opportunity 
can engage researchers covering the full range of Atmospheric and Geospace 
sciences. An important aspect of the AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 
(AGS-PRF) Program is that awardees are treated as an interdisciplinary cohort 
and will attend a workshop at the end of the first year to meet their peers, 
discuss their research and explore connections across disciplines.

These awards recognize beginning investigators of significant potential, and 
provide them with a research opportunity that will broaden their knowledge and 
perspectives, facilitate interdisciplinary interactions and help establish them 
in leadership positions within the AGS community.

Awards are for up to 2 years with Fellowships that can be taken to the 
institution or national facility of their choice. These awards enable 
investigators to carry out independent research programs in any AGS discipline. 
Fellowships are open to graduate students or graduates who completed their PhD 
less than 3 years before the award start date.

Fellowships are awards to individuals, not institutions, and are administered by 
the Fellows.

Proposals will be reviewed and funded by the most relevant program. Interested 
candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the program officer associated 
with the program most closely related to their work to discuss the 
appropriateness of their research for funding.

See NSF Solicitation 11-521,  http://nsf.gov/div/index.jsp?div=AGS.

Proposal deadline: February 2, 2012

Contact:  C. Susan Weiler, AGS-PRF Program Director, cweiler at nsf.gov

(2) 20-24 August, 2012, Sopot, Poland, 39th annual European Meeting on 
Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods - abstracts due 18 May.
 From Tymon Zielinski <tymon at iopan.gda.pl>.

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that the 39th conference annual European Meeting on 
Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods website has been just launched. We will 
keep including more information on the website. The link is as follows: 

The Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences will host the 39th 
annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods to be held in 
Sopot, Poland on 20-24 August 2012.

Main topics:

* Topic 1. Atmospheric aerosols and clouds (Sea-spray, Dust storms, Cloud 
formation, Ship plumes)
* Topic 2. Radiation and atmospheric components
* Topic 3. Remote sensing of the atmosphere and oceans
* Topic 4. Ionosphere, Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
* Topic 5. Aurora
* Topic 6. Troposphere and Stratosphere, Tropopause
* Topic 7. Instrumentation and Technologies

Important dates:
*Abstract submission	18 May 2012
*Registration and payment	1 June 2012
*Hotel reservation	30 June 2012

I wish you good holidays and a Happy New Year. See you in 2012.

Tymon Zielinski <tymon at iopan.gda.pl>.

(3) 24-30 June, 2012, Kaliningrad, Russia, III International Conference 
“Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety” (AIS-2012) - abstracts due 15 March.
 From Maxsim Klimenko (maxsim.klimenko at mail.ru).

Dear colleagues!

The III International Conference “Atmosphere, ionosphere, safety” (AIS-2012) 
will be held on
June 24–30, 2012, in Kaliningrad, Russia. The conference AIS-2012 will promote 
the analysis of
the “atmosphere–ionosphere” system response on the natural and anthropogenic 
processes, reason
and effect of different concomitant geophysical phenomena, and the estimation of 
its effect on
mankind and technological systems. Also, it is planned to discuss physical and 
chemical processes
accompanying observed geophysical phenomena.


G. V. Golubkov Inst. Chem. Phys., Moscow (Russia)


*Elementary processes in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere (section E)
*Electromagnetic and optical phenomena in the atmosphere (section P)
*Ionosphere dynamics and atmosphere–ionosphere coupling (section D)
*Environmental information systems for monitoring and prevention of accidents 
(section S)
*Combustion and pollution: environmental impact (section C)
*Novel Physical-Chemical Methods for Environmental Control and Monitoring 
(section M)

All scientists who are interested in understanding and exploring chemical and 
physical processes in
the atmosphere and the ionosphere are invited to Kaliningrad for this exciting 
7-day scientific
summer event.

Information about conference can be found at our website http://www.ais2012.ru.
Abstracts and registration are due March 15, 2012, where the template file at 
the website should be used for preparing abstracts.


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