CEDAR email: CEDAR Worskhop memorial talks open to the public; solicitations for meteor talks at CEDAR

Barbara Emery emery at ucar.edu
Mon Jun 7 19:40:44 MDT 2010

This is a generic mailing to the CEDAR community sent Jun 07, 2010.
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(1) 2 CEDAR Memorial Talks are free.
 From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).
See also http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2010_Workshop:Agenda.

(2) Invitation to submit abstracts for CEDAR 2010 Workshop:
Meteoroids and Meteors: Impact Effects (S. Close, L. Dyrud).
 From Sigrid Close (sigridc at stanford.edu).
See also 

(1) 2 CEDAR Memorial Talks are free.
 From Barbara Emery (emery at ucar.edu).

This year at the 2010 CEDAR Workshop at the University of Colorado in Boulder, 
we have two memorial talks to honor a couple of giants in our field who passed 
away within the last year.  Michael Mendillo of Boston University will give the 
Memorial talk on Henry Rishbeth at 10 AM on Wednesday 23 June, while Richard 
Behnke of the National Science Foundation will honor Bill Gordon at 10 AM on 
Thursday 24 June.  These memorial talks are free to the larger local scientific 
community in the Boulder area or visitors who might wish to honor these 
colleagues.  The memorial talks will be held at Math-100 and are just after the 
morning breaks which start at 0930 AM so that any visitors can mingle with the 
conference participants right before the memorial talks.  Further details are on 
the agenda at http://cedarweb.hao.ucar.edu/wiki/index.php/2010_Workshop:Agenda.

(2) Invitation to submit talks for CEDAR 2010 Workshop:
Meteoroids and Meteors: Impact Effects (S. Close, L. Dyrud).
 From Sigrid Close (sigridc at stanford.edu).

A meteoroid is defined as a small, solid extraterrestrial object.  Upon entry 
into a planet’s atmosphere, it heats and ablates off particles that then collide 
with the background neutrals, forming a dense plasma that extends around the 
meteoroid as well as behind it.  These plasmas, referred to as meteors, have 
been studied for well over a century, yet many outstanding questions remain. 
These include, but are not limited to, the amount of material deposited into 
Earth’s atmosphere, the mass flux, the energy flux, and the impact of this flux 
on upper atmospheric chemistry and ionization.  Of particular importance to the 
CEDAR community is that meteors account for all of the dust, metal neutral and 
ionized particles in the upper atmosphere.  Further, meteoric dust is also 
thought to provide the condensation nuclei for polar mesospheric clouds PMC 
(high altitude clouds near 80 km), which is the focus of a current NASA mission 
(AIM).  Additionally, CEDAR researchers have used radar reflections from meteor 
trails to remotely sense winds and temperatures near the mesopause.

To address these issues, we invite presentations on the physics of meteors and 
their impact effects on the atmosphere and ionosphere, as well as engineering 
techniques for observing and characterizing the meteoroid population.  We 
encourage presentations using any data set, including Lidar, radar, and optical, 
as well as theoretical modeling of meteoroid impact effects.

This year we will continue a panel discussion begun in 2009 on the following 
topic. "How do we make sense of non-smooth radar “light curves”?”  This topic 
has been the result of a number of recent papers, and disagreement between 
different researchers. We look forward to a very interesting discussion amongst 
panel and audience members.

Please contact Sigrid Close (sigridc at stanford.edu) with at least a title of what 
you would like to present.  The workshop description is located at 
Please do not change this description or add your name to a list of speakers 
without contacting the conveners (sigridc at stanford.edu and ldyrud at cfrsi.com).


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