[ccm-users] plotting geopotential height

Gudrun Nina Petersen g.n.petersen@geofysikk.uio.no
Wed, 22 May 2002 15:26:23 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear Colleagues!

Does anyone know how to plot the geopotential height at pressure levels?

I have made some simulations with ccm3.6.6 and one of my output variables
is Z3, geopotential height (above sea level).  The topography beneath
seems to dominate in the value of Z3 giving extremely large values above
the large mountains.
I am, among other things, interested in the height and temperature of
the 850 and 500 hPa level.  Does anyone know how I can calculate and plot
these variables?

I have been using Grads to plot and understand there is a way to define
User Defined Functions in Grads, though I am not sure how.
Maybe that is the right path to take??

Best regards,

G. Nina Petersen
Guðrún Nína Petersen
tlf. 22 85 58 31
Department of Geophysics
University of Oslo