<div>Hi, all</div>
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<div>Sorry to disturb you for wrf help. </div>
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<div>I am trying to run wrf v3.7.1 with the initaional conditon applyied by wrf 4dvar (i.e. wrfvar_output taken as wrfinput_d01), this can be work succesfully with my wrf confiugurations. </div>
<div>However, when I wanted to ouput the "POTEVP" variable, changed the potevp varibales in the files of Registry.EM_COMMON (in WRFV3, WRFDA,WRFPLUSV3, WRF_4DVAR, WRFV3 which concerning with runing of WRF and WRF 4DVAR ) from r to rh, and recomipled WRFDA, WRFPLUSV3, WRF_4DVAR, WRFV3, then the WRFV3 with the input from WRF 4DVAR can't finish running any more, it runs for some time such as 1.5hour, then the task was suspended with no error message... I can't find the reason for this, so would you please help me to find the problems and the corresponding solutions? Greately appreciated for your help!</div>
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<div>Thanks very much for your preciou attention and time!</div>
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<div>Yi Lu </div>
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