taskid: 0 hostname: NODE-03 Ntasks in X 2 , ntasks in Y 4 Setting blank km_opt entries to domain #1 values. --> The km_opt entry in the namelist.input is now max_domains. Setting blank diff_opt entries to domain #1 values. --> The diff_opt entry in the namelist.input is now max_domains. --- WARNING: traj_opt is zero, but num_traj is not zero; setting num_traj to zero. --- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains --- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains --- NOTE: sst_update is 0, setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains --- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain 1, setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain 1, setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain 1, setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain 2, setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain 2, setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain 2, setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain 3, setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain 3, setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. --- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain 3, setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain. bl_pbl_physics /= 4, implies mfshconv must be 0, resetting --- NOTE: num_soil_layers has been set to 4 REAL_EM V3.6.1 PREPROCESSOR real_em: calling alloc_and_configure_domain ************************************* Parent domain ids,ide,jds,jde 1 130 1 130 ims,ime,jms,jme -4 72 -4 40 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 65 1 33 ************************************* DYNAMICS OPTION: Eulerian Mass Coordinate alloc_space_field: domain 1 , 249394888 bytes allocated setup_timekeeping: set xtime to 0.00000000 setup_timekeeping: set julian to 18.5000000 setup_timekeeping: returning... d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling model_to_grid_config_rec d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling init_wrfio d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr1_ioinit d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr2_ioinit d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: re-broadcast the configuration records d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling med_sidata_input d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_module_optional_input d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain Max map factor in domain 1 = 1.04. Scale the dt in the model accordingly. d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for processing 1 s. d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_begin in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling outsub in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from outsub in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Information: NOFILL being set for writing to wrfinput_d01 d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for output 2 s. d01 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 1 = 4 s. d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-19_18:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_begin in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling outsub in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 back from outsub in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Information: NOFILL being set for writing to wrfbdy_d01 d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 back from wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-19_18:00:00 Timing for loop # 2 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-20_00:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_00:00:00 Timing for loop # 3 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-20_06:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_06:00:00 Timing for loop # 4 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-20_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 5 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-20_18:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-20_18:00:00 Timing for loop # 6 = 2 s. d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-21_00:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_00:00:00 Timing for loop # 7 = 2 s. d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-21_06:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_06:00:00 Timing for loop # 8 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-21_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 9 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-21_18:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-21_18:00:00 Timing for loop # 10 = 1 s. d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-22_00:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_00:00:00 Timing for loop # 11 = 2 s. d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-22_06:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_06:00:00 Timing for loop # 12 = 2 s. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-22_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 Timing for processing 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 Timing for output 0 s. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 13 = 2 s. d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 backfrom med_sidata_input d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 new allocated domain: id, par id, dims i/j, start i/j = 2 1 181 181 36 35 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 parent domain: id, par id, dims i/j, start i/j = 1 1 130 130 1 1 ************************************* Nesting domain ids,ide,jds,jde 1 181 1 181 ims,ime,jms,jme -4 102 -4 57 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 90 1 45 INTERMEDIATE domain ids,ide,jds,jde 34 99 33 98 ims,ime,jms,jme 29 75 28 59 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 32 65 31 49 ************************************* d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 alloc_space_field: domain 2 , 471294936 bytes allocated d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set xtime to 0.00000000 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set julian to 18.5000000 d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 setup_timekeeping: returning... d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling model_to_grid_config_rec d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling init_wrfio d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr1_ioinit d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr2_ioinit d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: re-broadcast the configuration records d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling med_sidata_input d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_module_optional_input d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for processing 2 s. d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_begin in open_w_dataset d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling outsub in open_w_dataset d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from outsub in open_w_dataset d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Information: NOFILL being set for writing to wrfinput_d02 d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for output 2 s. d02 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 1 = 6 s. d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 backfrom med_sidata_input d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 new allocated domain: id, par id, dims i/j, start i/j = 3 2 166 166 63 63 d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 parent domain: id, par id, dims i/j, start i/j = 2 1 181 181 36 35 ************************************* Nesting domain ids,ide,jds,jde 1 166 1 166 ims,ime,jms,jme -4 93 -4 54 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 83 1 42 INTERMEDIATE domain ids,ide,jds,jde 61 121 61 121 ims,ime,jms,jme 56 100 56 86 ips,ipe,jps,jpe 59 90 59 76 ************************************* d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 alloc_space_field: domain 3 , 411492876 bytes allocated d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set xtime to 0.00000000 d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set julian to 18.5000000 d02 2006-01-19_18:00:00 setup_timekeeping: returning... d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling model_to_grid_config_rec d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: calling init_wrfio d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr1_ioinit d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Entering ext_gr2_ioinit d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 real_em: re-broadcast the configuration records d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling med_sidata_input d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for /home/imran/calibration/cal-1/met_em.d. d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling input_auxinput1 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2006-01-19_12:00:00 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element P_TOP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code REAL, line 83 Element GMT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULYR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element JULDAY d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS' d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLAT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname XLONG d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PRHO d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TAVGSFC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SPECCLDF d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEFRAC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ICEPCT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QS d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QG d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QH d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JAN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_FEB d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_APR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_MAY d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_JUL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_AUG d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_SEP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_OCT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_NOV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNWFA_DEC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JAN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_FEB d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_APR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_MAY d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_JUL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_AUG d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_SEP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_OCT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_NOV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname QNIFA_DEC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGTTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname PTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MU0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T2 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOIL_LEVELS d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM000010 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM040100 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM100200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SM010200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM000 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM005 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM020 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM160 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILM300 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW000010 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW040100 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW100200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SW010200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW000 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW005 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW020 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW160 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILW300 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST000010 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST040100 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST100200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ST010200 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT000 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT005 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT020 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT040 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT160 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILT300 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSTDV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPX d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TOPOSLPY d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMAX d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SHDMIN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SOILCAT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VEGCAT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname URB_PARAM d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname CANWAT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname UOCE d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname VOCE d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname FRC_URB2D d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname MF_VX_INV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname HGT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TSK d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname ALBBCK d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname TMN d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname SNOWC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname LAKEMASK d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for input 1 s. d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_module_optional_input d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling optional_input d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TSK d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TAVGSFC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QV d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QS d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QG d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QH d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNR d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNWFA d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_QNIFA d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SPECCLDF d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_P_INTERP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TOPOSOIL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UM_SOIL d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEFRAC d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEPCT d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ICEDEPTH d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_ALBSI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SNOWSI d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTHETA d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PRHO d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VMAXW d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_HGTTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_PTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_TTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_UTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_VTROP d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Attribute not found d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NetCDF error in ext_ncd_get_dom_ti.code INTEGER, line 83 Element FLAG_SOIL_LEVELS d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers at end of optional_lsm_levels is 1 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag_soil_levels at end of optional_lsm_levels is 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 st_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sm_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sw_levels_input = 3 17 64 177 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: back from init_domain d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 med_sidata_input: calling init_domain d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 checking boundary conditions for grid d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 boundary conditions OK for grid Using sfcprs3 to compute psfc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 flag value of flag_qnwfa is 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Old data, no inland lake information d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 MMINLU = USGS d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 sf_surface_physics = 2 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 NLCD40 being used with an OK scheme Assume Noah LSM input d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 49 5 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 49 9 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 49 10 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 49 18 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 50 3 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 50 4 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 51 4 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 52 4 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 53 21 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 53 22 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 based on landuse, changing soil to land at point 54 21 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 forcing artificial silty clay loam at 11 points, out of 3486 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_1_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_2_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_3_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_4_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling inc/HALO_EM_INIT_5_inline.inc d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for processing 1 s. d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_begin in open_w_dataset d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling outsub in open_w_dataset d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from outsub in open_w_dataset d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 calling wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Information: NOFILL being set for writing to wrfinput_d03 d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 back from wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for output 1 s. d03 2006-01-19_12:00:00 Timing for loop # 1 = 4 s. d03 2006-01-19_18:00:00 backfrom med_sidata_input d01 2006-01-22_12:00:00 real_em: SUCCESS COMPLETE REAL_EM INIT