<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0)">I finally got the model to come to the init time of nest domain by adjusting the number of processors. This seems to be a known issue. for example,<br>
<a href="http://forum.wrfforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2202">http://forum.wrfforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2202</a><br><br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0)">
Still, my program stops and reports an error of missing variable TOPOSTDV (err msg below). This is strange to me, since there is no such input variable in the wrf version I am using (3.6). Any ideas?<br><br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0)">
(meanwhile, I am trying to use 3-nest setup to see how the model runs)<br></div><div class="gmail_default" style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0)"><br><br> *************************************<br>
Nesting domain<br> ids,ide,jds,jde 1 166 1 166<br> ims,ime,jms,jme -4 30 -4 30<br> ips,ipe,jps,jpe 1 14 1 14<br>
INTERMEDIATE domain<br> ids,ide,jds,jde 18 34 18 34<br> ims,ime,jms,jme 13 30 13 30<br> ips,ipe,jps,jpe 16 20 16 20<br>
*************************************<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 alloc_space_field: domain 2, <br> 53777088 bytes allocated<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br>
_00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br> _00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-14<br> _00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timeinttoa(): returning with str = [0000000<br>
000_000:000:010]<br> DEBUG setup_timekeeping(): clock after creation, clock start time = 2013-03-<br> 11_00:00:00<br> DEBUG setup_timekeeping(): clock after creation, clock current time = 2013-0<br> 3-11_00:00:00<br>
DEBUG setup_timekeeping(): clock after creation, clock stop time = 2013-03-1<br> 4_00:00:00<br> DEBUG setup_timekeeping(): clock after creation, clock time step = 000000000<br> 0_000:000:010<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set xtime to 720.0000<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 setup_timekeeping: set julian to 69.00000<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 setup_timekeeping: returning...<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 alloc_space_field: domain 2, <br> 2414448 bytes allocated<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 calling inc/HALO_INTERP_DOWN_inline.inc<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 *** Initializing nest domain # 2 from an input file. **<br> *<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 wrf main: calling open_r_dataset for wrfinput<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br> _00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_open_for_read<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 med_initialdata_input: calling input_auxinput2<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: begin, fid = 3<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_inquire_filename<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: fid,filestate = 3 103<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: dryrun = F switch 28<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for CEN_LAT returns <br> 10.02998<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for CEN_LON returns -<br>
83.76000<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for TRUELAT1 returns <br> 10.03000<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for TRUELAT2 returns <br> 0.0000000E+00<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for MOAD_CEN_LAT return<br>
s 10.02999<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for STAND_LON returns <br> -83.76000<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for POLE_LAT returns <br> 90.00000<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for POLE_LON returns <br>
0.0000000E+00<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_real_sca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_real for GMT returns 0.000<br> 0000E+00<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br>
ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for JULYR returns <br> 2013<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for JULDAY returns <br>
70<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for MAP_PROJ returns<br> 3<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_char_arr<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 mminlu = 'USGS'<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_char for MMINLU returns USGS<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br>
d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for ISWATER returns <br> 16<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for ISLAKE returns <br>
-1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for ISICE returns <br> 24<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br>
ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for ISURBAN returns <br> 1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F (md_calls.m4) : in wrf_get_dom_ti_integer_s<br> ca<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 input_wrf: wrf_get_dom_ti_integer for ISOILWATER retur<br>
ns 14<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_get_next_time<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 3 input_wrf: wrf_get_next_time current_date:<br> 2013-03-11_00:00:00 Status = 0<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br>
_00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br> _00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-11<br> _00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timetoa(): returning with str = [2013-03-14<br>
_00:00:00]<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 DEBUG wrf_timeinttoa(): returning with str = [0000000<br> 000_000:000:010]<br> DEBUG input_wrf(): get CurrTime from clock, clock start time = 2013-03-11_00<br> :00:00<br> DEBUG input_wrf(): get CurrTime from clock, clock current time = 2013-03-11_<br>
00:00:00<br> DEBUG input_wrf(): get CurrTime from clock, clock stop time = 2013-03-14_00:<br> 00:00<br> DEBUG input_wrf(): get CurrTime from clock, clock time step = 0000000000_000<br> :000:010<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real xlat<br>
date 2013-03-11_00:00:00<br> ds 1 1 1<br> de 165 165 1<br> ps 1 1 1<br> pe 14 14 1<br> ms -4 -4 1<br>
me 30 30 1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_read_field<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real xlat Status = 0<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real xlong<br> date 2013-03-11_00:00:00<br>
ds 1 1 1<br> de 165 165 1<br> ps 1 1 1<br> pe 14 14 1<br> ms -4 -4 1<br>
me 30 30 1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_read_field<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real xlong Status = 0<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real lu_index<br> date 2013-03-11_00:00:00<br>
ds 1 1 1<br> de 165 165 1<br> ps 1 1 1<br> pe 14 14 1<br> ms -4 -4 1<br>
me 30 30 1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_read_field<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real lu_index Status = 0<br> input_wrf.F reading 2d real topostdv<br> date 2013-03-11_00:00:00<br>
ds 1 1 1<br> de 165 165 1<br> ps 1 1 1<br> pe 14 14 1<br> ms -4 -4 1<br>
me 30 30 1<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 module_io.F: in wrf_read_field<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 NetCDF error: NetCDF: Variable not found<br> d01 2013-03-11_00:00:00 NetCDF error in wrf_io.F90, line 2861 Varname T<br>
OPOSTDV<br></div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Eric Altshuler <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:ela@cola.iges.org" target="_blank">ela@cola.iges.org</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000">For a 1km domain, a time step of 10s is too large. The rule of thumb is the time step should be no larger than 6*dx where dx is in km, and sometimes the time step has to be smaller than 6*dx or the model will become unstable. In general, it's a good idea to set parent_time_step_ratio to be the same as parent_grid_ratio, except possibly for some special cases.<div class="">
<br><br><hr><b>From: </b>"Xin Xi" <<a href="mailto:xxi@gatech.edu" target="_blank">xxi@gatech.edu</a>><br></div><b>To: </b>"Eric Altshuler" <<a href="mailto:ela@cola.iges.org" target="_blank">ela@cola.iges.org</a>><br>
<b>Cc: </b><a href="mailto:wrf-users@ucar.edu" target="_blank">wrf-users@ucar.edu</a><br><b>Sent: </b>Monday, June 9, 2014 4:43:06 PM<br><b>Subject: </b>Re: [Wrf-users] Fwd: two way nest run crashes without errors<div><div class="h5">
<br><br><div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default">Thanks Eric! I will look into using 3 nests. <br>Just to clarify, if I use time step of 60sec for parent domain and parent_time_step_ratio of 6, the nest domain will run at 10sec, correct? I suspect a small time step (like 10 sec) is needed for such fine resolution domain (e.g. 1km). Why did you say that would make the time step too large on the nest domain?</div>
</div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:10 PM, Eric Altshuler <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:ela@cola.iges.org" target="_blank">ela@cola.iges.org</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex"><div><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt;color:#000000">I would think a nest grid ratio of 15 is too large. The recommended value is 3, and 5 can also be used. Also, your time step ratio is 6, which would probably make the time step too large on your nest domain with a grid ratio of 15. You need to use a triple nest if your high resolution domain is 1 km. One suggestion might be:<div>
<br></div><div>dx = 15000, 5000, 1000</div><div>dy = 15000, 5000, 1000</div><div>parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 5</div><div>parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 5</div><div><br></div><div>or:</div><div><br></div><div><div>dx = 15000, 3000, 1000</div>
<div>dy = 15000, 3000, 1000</div><div>parent_grid_ratio = 1, 5, 3</div><div>parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 5, 3</div></div><div><br></div><div>I'm not sure which one is preferable.</div><div><br></div><div>Best regards,</div>
<div><br></div><div><br><br><div><span></span>Eric L. Altshuler<br>Research Scientist<br>Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies<br>253 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5<div>George Mason University</div><div>4400 University Drive<br>
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA<br><br>E-mail: <a href="mailto:ela@cola.iges.org" target="_blank">ela@cola.iges.org</a><br>Phone: <a href="tel:%28703%29%20993-5725" target="_blank">(703) 993-5725</a><br>Fax: <a href="tel:%28703%29%20993-5770" target="_blank">(703) 993-5770</a></div>
<span></span><br></div><br><hr><b>From: </b>"Xin Xi" <<a href="mailto:xxi@gatech.edu" target="_blank">xxi@gatech.edu</a>><br><b>To: </b><a href="mailto:wrf-users@ucar.edu" target="_blank">wrf-users@ucar.edu</a><br>
<b>Sent: </b>Monday, June 9, 2014 11:12:26 AM<br><b>Subject: </b>[Wrf-users] Fwd: two way nest run crashes without errors<br><br><div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hi I am running wrf 3.6 with two way nesting. After the spinning up on outer domain, the program stopped without any warning or errors. in other words, the program simply stopped at the beginning of the nest domain start time. I wonder whether this is an issue of parent_grid_ratio (=15), time step or the vertical lvls. Please help. Thanks.<br>
<div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div>
<br> Here is excerpt of namelist.input:<br><br> &time_control<br> run_days = 3,<br> run_hours = 13,<br> run_minutes = 0,<br> run_seconds = 0,<br>
start_year = 2013, 2013, 2000,<br> start_month = 03, 03, 01,<br> start_day = 10, 11, 24,<br> start_hour = 12, 00, 12,<br>
start_minute = 00, 00, 00,<br> start_second = 00, 00, 00,<br> end_year = 2013, 2013, 2000,<br> end_month = 03, 03, 01,<br>
end_day = 14, 14, 25,<br> end_hour = 00, 00, 12,<br> end_minute = 00, 00, 00,<br> end_second = 00, 00, 00,<br>
interval_seconds = 21600<br> input_from_file = .true.,.true.,.true.,<br> history_interval = 60, 60, 60,<br> frames_per_outfile = 24, 24, 1000,<br>
restart = .false.,<br> restart_interval = 5000,<br> io_form_history = 2<br> io_form_restart = 2<br> io_form_input = 2<br>
io_form_boundary = 2<br> debug_level = 5000<br> fine_input_stream = 0, 2, 2,<br> io_form_auxinput2 = 2<br> /<br><br> &domains<br> time_step = 60,<br>
time_step_fract_num = 0,<br> time_step_fract_den = 1,<br> max_dom = 2,<br> e_we = 50, 166, 94,<br> e_sn = 50, 166, 91,<br>
e_vert = 57, 57, 30,<br> p_top_requested = 5000,<br> num_metgrid_levels = 27,<br> num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4,<br> dx = 15000, 1000, 3333.33,<br>
dy = 15000, 1000, 3333.33,<br> grid_id = 1, 2, 3,<br> parent_id = 0, 1, 2,<br> i_parent_start = 1, 20, 30,<br>
j_parent_start = 1, 20, 30,<br> parent_grid_ratio = 1, 15, 3,<br> parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 6, 3,<br> feedback = 1,<br>
smooth_option = 0,<br> eta_levels = 1.000, 0.999, 0.998, 0.997, 0.996, 0.995, 0.994, 0.993,<br> 0.991, 0.988, 0.985, 0.982, 0.978, 0.974, 0.970, 0.965,<br>
0.960, 0.955, 0.950, 0.945, 0.935, 0.925, 0.915, 0.905,<br> 0.895, 0.875, 0.855, 0.840, 0.820, 0.800, 0.760, 0.720,<br> 0.680, 0.640, 0.600, 0.575, 0.525, 0.485, 0.445, 0.400,<br>
0.350, 0.300, 0.285, 0.251, 0.217, 0.192, 0.164, 0.141,<br> 0.119, 0.103, 0.083, 0.067, 0.055, 0.043, 0.033, 0.024,<br> 0.000,<br>
<br> /<br><br></div></div>
</div><br><br clear="all"><br></div></div><span><font color="#888888">-- <br><font><i style="font-family:arial narrow,sans-serif">Xin Xi<br>School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences<br>Georgia Institute of Technology<br>
311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340</i></font><br>
</font></span></div><span><font color="#888888">
<br>_______________________________________________<br>Wrf-users mailing list<br><a href="mailto:Wrf-users@ucar.edu" target="_blank">Wrf-users@ucar.edu</a><br><a href="http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/wrf-users" target="_blank">http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/wrf-users</a><br>
</font></span></div></div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font><i style="font-family:arial narrow,sans-serif">Xin Xi<br>School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences<br>Georgia Institute of Technology<br>
311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340</i></font><br>
</div></div></div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font><i style="font-family:arial narrow,sans-serif">Xin Xi<br>School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences<br>Georgia Institute of Technology<br>311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0340</i></font><br>