Error file I ran the ARWpost for processing of WRF output.but the process was interrupted and it is showing a message as shown below. Outside of lookup table bounds. prs,thte= 62.11452866 197.2970886. Error log is like this... ************************************************************************** Wed Nov 13 10:35:50 IST 2013 0: 0:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0: ARWpost v2.2 0:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0: 0:FOUND the following input files: 0: /gpfs3/home/anant/WRF-3DVAR-RUNS/CONV_Data_Ass_Exp-2010/wrfout_d01_2010-06-01_00:00:00 0: 0:START PROCESSING DATA 0: Interpolating to PRESSURE levels 0: 0: 0: Processing time --- 2010-06-01_00:00:00 0: Found the right date - continue 0: Outside of lookup table bounds. prs,thte= 62.11452866 197.2970886 Wed Nov 13 10:36:51 IST 2013 *******************************************************************************