<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi,<br><br>[root@localhost bin]# pwd<br>/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.10.319/bin<br>[root@localhost bin]# source /opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.10.319/bin/iccvars.sh ia32<br>[root@localhost bin]# which icc<br>
/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.10.319/bin/ia32/icc<br>[root@localhost bin]# which ifort<br>/opt/intel/bin/ifort<br><br clear="all">[root@localhost CWRF]# ls<br>WRFV3<br>[root@localhost CWRF]# cd WRFV3/<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# ls<br>
arch dyn_exp main README.io_config Registry<br>clean dyn_nmm Makefile README.NMM run<br>compile external phys README.rsl_output share<br>configure frame README README_test_cases test<br>
dyn_em inc README.DA README.windturbine tools<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export JASPERLIB=/opt/jasper-1.701.0<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export JASPERINC=/opt/jasper-1.701.0<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export PATH=/opt/intel/bin:$PATH<br>
[root@localhost WRFV3]# export F77=ifort<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export F90=ifort<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export PATH=/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.10.319/bin/ia32:$PATH<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# export FC=icc<br>
[root@localhost WRFV3]# ulimit -s unlimited<br>[root@localhost WRFV3]# ./configure<br>checking for perl5... no<br>checking for perl... found /usr/bin/perl (perl)<br>** WARNING: No path to NETCDF and environment variable NETCDF not set.<br>
** would you like me to try to fix? [y]<br>y<br>Enter full path to NetCDF include directory on your system<br>/usr/local/include<br>Enter full path to NetCDF library directory on your system<br>/usr/local/lib<br>created new ./netcdf_links directory<br>
total 0<br>lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 18 Jun 17 21:38 include -> /usr/local/include/<br>lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 14 Jun 17 21:38 lib -> /usr/local/lib/<br>Will use NETCDF in dir: /wrfpkgs/CWRF/WRFV3/netcdf_links<br>PHDF5 not set in environment. Will configure WRF for use without.<br>
which: no timex in (/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.10.319/bin/ia32:/opt/intel/bin:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/bin/ia32:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/mpirt/bin/ia32:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/bin/intel64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/mpirt/bin/intel64:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/bin/ia32:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.3.163/debugger/gui/ia32)<br>
Configuring to use jasper library to build Grib2 I/O...<br> $JASPERLIB = /opt/jasper-1.701.0<br> $JASPERINC = /opt/jasper-1.701.0<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Please select from among the following supported platforms.<br>
<br> 1. Linux i486 i586 i686, gfortran compiler with gcc (serial)<br> 2. Linux i486 i586 i686, gfortran compiler with gcc (smpar)<br> 3. Linux i486 i586 i686, gfortran compiler with gcc (dmpar)<br> 4. Linux i486 i586 i686, gfortran compiler with gcc (dm+sm)<br>
5. Linux i486 i586 i686, g95 compiler with gcc (serial)<br> 6. Linux i486 i586 i686, g95 compiler with gcc (dmpar)<br> 7. Linux i486 i586 i686, PGI compiler with gcc (serial)<br> 8. Linux i486 i586 i686, PGI compiler with gcc (smpar)<br>
9. Linux i486 i586 i686, PGI compiler with gcc (dmpar)<br> 10. Linux i486 i586 i686, PGI compiler with gcc (dm+sm)<br> 11. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (serial)<br> 12. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (smpar)<br>
13. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dmpar)<br> 14. Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (dm+sm)<br> 15. Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, PathScale compiler with pathcc (serial)<br>
16. Linux i486 i586 i686 x86_64, PathScale compiler with pathcc (dmpar)<br><br>Enter selection [1-16] : 12<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Compile for nesting? (0=no nesting, 1=basic, 2=preset moves, 3=vortex following) [default 0]: 0<br>
<br>Configuration successful. To build the model type compile . <br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>testing for fseeko and fseeko64<br>fseeko64 is supported<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
<br># Settings for Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc (smpar)<br>#<br># By default, some files are compiled without optimizations to speed up compilation. Removing<br># respective makefile rules in the end of this file will result in longer compilation time, and, possibly<br>
# Out Of Memory messages, but might produce binaries which are substantially faster.<br>#<br># Please visit <a href="http://www.intel.com/support/performancetools/sb/cs-028607.htm">http://www.intel.com/support/performancetools/sb/cs-028607.htm</a> <br>
# for latest info on how to build WRF with Intel compilers.<br>#<br># If you got Out Of Memory message, there are several options:<br># 1. Check your memory limits (ulimit -a), possibly increasing swap partitions size.<br>
# 2. Remove any debugging flags (-g, -check, -traceback).<br># 3. Force the problematic file to be compiled with less optimizations (see examples at the <br># end of this file), try -no-ip compiler flag.<br>
#<br># This configuration is aimed at accuracy. To improve performance (at the expence of accuracy) you might<br># consider removing '-fp-model precise' flag from FCBASEOPTS. This enables non value-safe optimizations.<br>
# Another option is to add '-ftz' flag, which flushes denormal results to zero when the application is in<br># the gradual underflow mode. It may improve performance if the denormal values are not critical to the<br>
# behavior of your workload. To further improve performance, add suitable vectorization options for your<br># processor to FCOPTIM (see ifort manpage).<br>#<br># If you have Intel MPI installed and wish to use instead, make the<br>
# following changes to settings below:<br># DM_FC = mpiifort<br># DM_CC = mpiicc<br># and source bin64/mpivars.sh file from your Intel MPI installation<br># before the build.<br><br>DMPARALLEL = # 1<br>
OMPCPP = -D_OPENMP<br>OMP = -openmp -fpp -auto<br>OMPCC = -openmp -fpp -auto<br>SFC = ifort<br>SCC = icc<br>CCOMP = icc<br>
DM_FC = mpif90 -f90=$(SFC)<br>DM_CC = mpicc -cc=$(SCC)<br>FC = $(SFC)<br>CC = $(SCC) -DFSEEKO64_OK <br>LD = $(FC)<br>RWORDSIZE = $(NATIVE_RWORDSIZE)<br>
FCOPTIM = -O3<br>FCREDUCEDOPT = $(FCOPTIM)<br>FCNOOPT = -O0 -fno-inline -fno-ip<br>FCDEBUG = # -g $(FCNOOPT) -traceback<br>FORMAT_FIXED = -FI<br>FORMAT_FREE = -FR<br>
FCSUFFIX =<br>BYTESWAPIO = -convert big_endian<br>FCBASEOPTS_NO_G = -w -ftz -align all -fno-alias -fp-model precise $(FORMAT_FREE) $(BYTESWAPIO)<br>FCBASEOPTS = $(FCBASEOPTS_NO_G) $(FCDEBUG)<br>
MODULE_SRCH_FLAG = <br>TRADFLAG = -traditional<br>CPP = /lib/cpp -C -P<br>AR = ar<br>ARFLAGS = ru<br>M4 = m4<br>RANLIB = ranlib<br>
CC_TOOLS = $(SCC) <br><br>###########################################################<br>######################<br># POSTAMBLE<br><br>FGREP = fgrep -iq<br><br>ARCHFLAGS = $(COREDEFS) -DIWORDSIZE=$(IWORDSIZE) -DDWORDSIZE=$(DWORDSIZE) -DRWORDSIZE=$(RWORDSIZE) -DLWORDSIZE=$(LWORDSIZE) \<br>
$(ARCH_LOCAL) \<br> $(DA_ARCHFLAGS) \<br> \<br> \<br> -DNETCDF \<br> \<br> \<br>
-DGRIB2 \<br> \<br> \<br> \<br> \<br> \<br> -DUSE_ALLOCATABLES \<br>
ESMF_LIB_FLAGS = <br> ESMF_IO_LIB = -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time<br>ESMF_IO_LIB_EXT = -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time<br>INCLUDE_MODULES = $(MODULE_SRCH_FLAG) \<br>
$(ESMF_MOD_INC) $(ESMF_LIB_FLAGS) \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/main \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int \<br>
-I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/share \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/phys \<br> -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/chem -I$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/inc \<br>
-I$(NETCDFPATH)/include \<br> <br>REGISTRY = Registry<br><br> LIB_BUNDLED = \<br> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/fftpack/fftpack5/libfftpack.a \<br>
$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib1/libio_grib1.a \<br> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib_share/libio_grib_share.a \<br> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_int/libwrfio_int.a \<br>
$(ESMF_IO_LIB) \<br> \<br> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame/module_internal_header_util.o \<br> $(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/frame/pack_utils.o <br><br>
LIB_EXTERNAL = \<br> -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_netcdf -lwrfio_nf -L/wrfpkgs/CWRF/WRFV3/netcdf_links/lib -lnetcdf -L$(WRF_SRC_ROOT_DIR)/external/io_grib2 -lio_grib2 -L/opt/jasper-1.701.0 -ljasper <br>
NETCDFPATH = /wrfpkgs/CWRF/WRFV3/netcdf_links<br>PNETCDFPATH = <br><br>bundled: wrf_ioapi_includes wrfio_grib_share wrfio_grib1 wrfio_int esmf_time fftpack <br>external: wrfio_nf wrfio_grib2 gen_comms_serial module_dm_serial $(ESMF_TARGET)<br>
<br>######################<br>------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Settings listed above are written to configure.wrf.<br>If you wish to change settings, please edit that file.<br>If you wish to change the default options, edit the file:<br>
arch/configure_new.defaults<br>NetCDF users note:<br> This installation of NetCDF supports large file support. To enable large file<br> support in NetCDF, set the environment variable WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT<br>
to 1 and run configure again. Set to any other value to avoid this message.<br> <br>mktemp: too few X's in template `foo_2383'<br><br>Testing for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler<br><br>Usage: file [-bchikLlNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type]<br>
[-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] file ...<br> file -C [-m magicfiles]<br> file [--help]<br>Usage: file [-bchikLlNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type]<br> [-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] file ...<br>
file -C [-m magicfiles]<br> file [--help]<br> One of compilers testing failed!<br> Please check your compiler<br><br></div>Pls try to resolve this error anybody<br><div>-- <br>M. MALLESWARA RAO<br>M.Tech (Atmospheric Science)<br>
Young Professional in Cyclone Models<br>APSDPS, AP Secreteriat, Hyderabad<br>