<div dir="ltr">Since your parent_time_step ratios is 1,3,3,<div>then I guess bioemdt = 2.5,2.5/3,2.5/9</div><div><br></div><div>Cheers</div><div><br></div><div>--</div><div>Sasha</div></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br><br>
<div class="gmail_quote">2013/1/31 王楠 <span dir="ltr">&lt;<a href="mailto:kima2008@163.com" target="_blank">kima2008@163.com</a>&gt;</span><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
<div style="line-height:1.7;font-size:14px;font-family:arial"><div><p>Dear all,</p><p> Hi all, please spent a little time reading my letter, and please give me  suggestions, thank you very very much!</p>
<p>I want to use megan emission to do a 3-nested domain run with WRF/Chem 3.3.1, 
but facing error  &quot;<font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)"> bioemdt needs to 
match the model time_step.&quot;</font></p>
<p><font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)">----------------------</font></p>
<p>&amp;domains<br> <font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)">time_step                           = 
150,<br></font> time_step_fract_num                 = 
0,<br> time_step_fract_den                 = 
1,<br> max_dom                             = 
3,<br> e_we                                = 100,    94,   106,   
88,<br> e_sn                                = 92,    85,   100,   
85,<br> e_vert                              = 31,    31,    31,     
31,<br> p_top_requested                     = 
5000,<br> num_metgrid_levels                  = 
27,<br> num_metgrid_soil_levels             = 
4,<br> dx                                  = 27000, 9000,  3000,  
1000,<br> dy                                  = 27000, 9000,  3000,  
1000,<br> grid_id                             = 1,     2,     3,     
4,<br> parent_id                           = 0,     1,     2,     
3,<br> i_parent_start                      = 1,     25,    20,    49,   
<br> j_parent_start                      = 1,     30,    15,    
31,<br> parent_grid_ratio                   = 1,     3,     3,     
3,<br> parent_time_step_ratio              = 1,     3,     3,     
3,<br> feedback                            = 
1,<br> smooth_option                       = 0<br> /<br>&amp;chem<br> kemit                               = 
8,<br> chem_opt                            = 2,    2,   2,    2,<br> <font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)">bioemdt                             = 2.5,  
2.5,  2.5,         2.5,<br></font> photdt                              = 30,  
30,  30,         30,<br> chemdt                              = 0,    0,    
0,        0,<br> io_style_emissions                  = 1, 
<br> emiss_inpt_opt                      =  102,  102, 102, 
102,<br> emiss_opt                           = 0,    0,     0,       
0,<br> chem_in_opt                         = 0,    0,     0,       
0,<br> phot_opt                            = 2,    2,     2,       2,  
<br> gas_drydep_opt                      = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> aer_drydep_opt                      = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> bio_emiss_opt                       = 3,    3,     3,       
1,<br> dust_opt                            = 
2,<br> dmsemis_opt                         = 
0,<br> seas_opt                            = 
2,<br> gas_bc_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,        
1,<br> gas_ic_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> aer_bc_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> aer_ic_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> gaschem_onoff                       = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> aerchem_onoff                       = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> wetscav_onoff                       = 0,    0,      0,      
0,<br> cldchem_onoff                       = 0,    0,      0,      
0,<br> vertmix_onoff                       = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> chem_conv_tr                        = 1,    1,      1,      
1,<br> biomass_burn_opt                    = 0,    0,     0,       
0,<br> have_bcs_chem                       = .false., .false., .false.,    
.false.,<br> aer_ra_feedback                     = 1,    1,     1,       
1,<br> aer_op_opt                          = 1,      
<br> opt_pars_out                        = 1,   
<br> diagnostic_chem                     = 0,   
<br> /<br>------------------------------------------------------------</p>
<p> My time_step is <font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)">150(s), </font>and 
biemdt is<font style="background-color:rgb(255,255,0)"> 2.5(min), </font>they are 
definately matched, but I still got the error when I run wrf.exe : bioemdt needs 
to match the model time_step.</p>
<p> I really don&#39;t know why...</p>
<p> Dear Sir or friends, please spent a little time reading my letter, and please give me 
suggestions, thank you very very much!</p><p>
<p>Below is my whole namelist</p><p> &amp;time_control<br> run_days                            = 6,<br> run_hours                           = 23,<br> run_minutes                         = 0,<br> run_seconds                     &amp;n
 bsp;   = 0,<br> start_year                          = 2010, 2010, 2010,    2010,<br> start_month                         = 11,   11,   11,      11,<br> start_day                           = 06,   06,   06,      06,<br> start_hour                          = 00,   00,   00,      00,<br>
                        = 00,   00,   00,      00,<br> start_second                        = 00,   00,   00,      00,<br> end_year                            = 2010, 2010, 2010,    2010,<br> end_month                           = 11,   11,   11,      11,<br>
 end_day          &amp;nbsp
 ;                  = 12,   12,   12,      12,<br> end_hour                            = 23,   23,   23,      23,<br> end_minute                          = 00,   00,   00,      00,<br> end_second                          = 00,   00,   00,      00,<br>
 interval_seconds        &amp;nbs
 p;           = 21600<br> input_from_file                     = .true.,.true.,.true.,.true.,<br> history_interval                    = 60,  60,   60,      60,<br> frames_per_outfile                  = 24, 24, 24,    24,<br>
 restart                             = .false.,<br> restart_interval                    = 5000,<br> io_form_history&amp;n
 bsp;                    = 2<br> io_form_restart                     = 2<br> io_form_input                       = 2<br> io_form_boundary                    = 2<br> io_form_auxinput5                =0<br> auxinput6_interval_h        = 24<br>
 io_form_auxinput6         =2<br> auxinput5_interval               =3600, 3600,3600<br> &lt;
 br&gt; auxinput4_inname                     = &quot;wrflowinp_d&lt;domain&gt;&quot;,<br> auxinput4_interval                   = 360,<br> io_form_auxinput4                    = 2<br>debug_level                         = 0<br>
 /</p><p> &amp;domains<br> time_step                           = 150,<br> time_step_fract_num                 = 0,<br> time
 _step_fract_den                 = 1,<br> max_dom                             = 3,<br> e_we                                = 100,    94,   106,   88,<br> e_sn                                = 92,    85,   100,   85,<br> e_vert                        
       = 31,    31,    31,     31,<br> p_top_requested                     = 5000,<br> num_metgrid_levels                  = 27,<br> num_metgrid_soil_levels             = 4,<br> dx                                  = 27000, 9000,  3000,  1000,<br>
 dy                                  = 27000, 9000,  3
 000,  1000,<br> grid_id                             = 1,     2,     3,     4,<br> parent_id                           = 0,     1,     2,     3,<br> i_parent_start                      = 1,     25,    20,    49,   <br> j_parent_start                      = 1,     30,   
  15,    31,<br> parent_grid_ratio                   = 1,     3,     3,     3,<br> parent_time_step_ratio              = 1,     3,     3,     3,<br> feedback                            = 1,<br> smooth_option                       = 0<br>
 /</p><p> &amp;physics<br> sst_update                        &amp;n
 bsp; = 1,<br> mp_physics                          = 2,     2,     2,     2,<br> ra_lw_physics                       = 1,     1,     1,     1,<br> ra_sw_physics                       = 2,     2,     2,     2,<br> radt                                = 30,    30,  &amp;n
 bsp; 30,    30,<br> sf_sfclay_physics                   = 1,     1,     1,     1,<br> sf_surface_physics                  = 2,     2,     2,     2,<br> bl_pbl_physics                      = 1,     1,     1,     1,<br> bldt                                = 0,     0,     0,     0,
 <br> cu_physics                          = 5,    5,     5,     0,<br> cu_rad_feedback                     = .true., .true., .true., .true.,<br> cudt                                = 5,     5,     5,     0,<br>cu_diag                                  =1,   1,   1,     1,<br>

   isfflx                              = 1, <br>progn                                 =1,     1,     1,     1, <br> ifsnow                              = 0,<br> icloud                              = 1,<br> surface_input_source              &amp;nbsp
 ; = 1,<br> num_soil_layers                     = 4,<br> sf_urban_physics                    = 0,     0,     0,      0,<br> maxiens                             = 1,<br> maxens                              = 3,<br> maxens2                             = 3,<br>
 maxens3 &amp;nb
 sp;                           = 16,<br> ensdim                              = 144,<br> /</p><p> &amp;fdda<br>  /</p><p> &amp;dynamics<br> w_damping                           = 0,<br> diff_opt                            = 1,<br>
 = 4,<br> diff_6th_opt                        = 0,      0,      0,        0,<br> diff_6th_factor                     = 0.12,   0.12,   0.12,     0.12,<br> base_temp                           = 290.<br> damp_opt                            = 0,<br>
              = 5000.,  5000.,  5000.,    5000.,<br> dampcoef                            = 0.2,    0.2,    0.2,       0.2,<br> khdif                               = 0,      0,      0,        0,<br> kvdif                               = 0,      0,      0, 
        0,<br> non_hydrostatic                     = .true., .true., .true.,   .true.,<br> chem_adv_opt                        = 2,      2,      2,        2,<br> moist_adv_opt                       = 2,      2,      2,        2,<br>
 scalar_adv_opt                      = 2,      2,    
   2,        2,<br> /</p><p> &amp;bdy_control<br> spec_bdy_width                      = 5,<br> spec_zone                           = 1,<br> relax_zone                          = 4,<br> specified                           = .true., .false.,.false.,   .false.,<br>
 nested                        &amp;n
 bsp;     = .false., .true., .true.,   .true.,<br> /<br>&amp;chem<br> kemit                               = 8,<br> chem_opt                            = 11,    11,   11,    11,<br> bioemdt                             = 3,  3,  3,         3,<br>
 photdt                            &amp;
 nbsp; = 30,  30,  30,         30,<br> chemdt                              = 0,    0,    0,        0,<br> io_style_emissions                  = 1, <br> emiss_inpt_opt                      =  102,  102, 102, 102,<br> emiss_opt                           = 0,    0,     0,       0,<br>
 chem_in_opt  &amp;nbs
 p;                      = 0,    0,     0,       0,<br> phot_opt                            = 2,    2,     2,       2,  <br> gas_drydep_opt                      = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> aer_drydep_opt                      = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br>
 bsp;bio_emiss_opt                       = 3,    3,     3,       1,<br> dust_opt                            = 2,<br> dmsemis_opt                         = 0,<br> seas_opt                            = 2,<br> gas_bc_opt                          = 1,    1,  
    1,        1,<br> gas_ic_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> aer_bc_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> aer_ic_opt                          = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br>
    = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> aerchem_onoff                       = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> wetscav_onoff                       = 0,    0,      0,      0,<br> cldchem_onoff                       = 0,    0,      0,      0,<br>
 vertmix_onoff                    &amp;
 nbsp;  = 1,    1,     1,       1,<br> chem_conv_tr                        = 1,    1,      1,      1,<br> biomass_burn_opt                    = 0,    0,     0,       0,<br> have_bcs_chem                       = .false., .false., .false.,    .false.,<br>
 aer_ra_feedback                     = 1,    1,   &amp;n
 bsp; 1,       1,<br> aer_op_opt                          = 1,      <br> opt_pars_out                        = 1,   <br> diagnostic_chem                     = 0,   <br> /</p><p><br> &amp;grib2<br> /</p><p> &amp;namelist_quilt<br>
 nio_tasks_per_group = 0,<br> nio_groups = 1,<br> /<br></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Best Regards,</p>
<p>WangNan</p></div></div><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"><span></span></span><br>_______________________________________________<br>
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