<div><br></div>Dear Eric,<div>Thanks for your reply. It seems there was some error in setting up my postprocessing tool.</div><div>Now, the value looks fine.</div><div><br></div><div>Regards</div><div>SBR</div><div><br>From: Eric Altshuler <ela@cola.iges.org><br>Sent: Thu, 31 May 2012 05:14:09 <br>To: Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna <satyaban_2001@rediffmail.com><br>Cc: Wrf Users <wrf-users@ucar.edu><br>Subject: Re: [Wrf-users] ERA-Interim SST in WRF<br>SBR,<br>
Did you look at your postprocessed output for times after the initial time? Some postprocessed WRF fields (such as SKINTEMP) may be zero at the initial time, depending on what physics parameterizations you used. If skin temperature in the model were actually 0 K, your simulation would probably blow up very quickly.<br>
----- Original Message -----<br>
From: "Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna" <satyaban_2001@rediffmail.com><br>
To: "Eric Altshuler" <ela@cola.iges.org><br>
Cc: "wrfhelp" <wrfhelp@ucar.edu>, "Wrf Users" <wrf-users@ucar.edu><br>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:56:00 PM<br>
Subject: Re: [Wrf-users] ERA-Interim SST in WRF<br>
Dear Eric, <br>
Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, The SST value looks fine when the SST vale over land is masked. <br>
Hope, there is no problem if the METGRID output generates the SST value from 0 to 300. <br>
By the why I get the value of "skin temperature" zero (0) through out the domain in my postprocessed output. <br>
I wonder, if the SST and SKINTEMP are correctly dealt in my simulation. <br>
I can see the correct SKINTEMP value in the METGRID output but I surprise to see zero (0) value in the <br>
postprocessed output. <br>
Do you have any suggestion. <br>
Thanks. <br>
SBR <br>
From: Eric Altshuler <ela@cola.iges.org> <br>
Sent: Wed, 30 May 2012 22:21:05 <br>
To: Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna <satyaban_2001@rediffmail.com> <br>
Cc: wrfhelp <wrfhelp@ucar.edu>, Wrf Users <wrf-users@ucar.edu> <br>
Subject: Re: [Wrf-users] ERA-Interim SST in WRF <br>
WRF is masking SST over land points (SST=0 on land). Try masking out areas where SST is too low to be a valid physical value (SST < 270 K never occurs): <br>
'd maskout(sst,sst-270)' <br>
You should now see the normal range of SST displayed (273 - 300 K). <br>
----- Original Message ----- <br>
From: "Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna" <satyaban_2001@rediffmail.com> <br>
To: "Wrf Users" <wrf-users@ucar.edu> <br>
Cc: "wrfhelp" <wrfhelp@ucar.edu> <br>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 9:44:20 PM <br>
Subject: [Wrf-users] ERA-Interim SST in WRF <br>
Dear User, <br>
I am trying to prescribe (update) ERA-Interim SST for a month long simulation with WRF3.4. I found that the METGRID program is wrongly reading the SST value. I have used the "read_wrf_nc" utility to read the METGRID outputs and found that the SST value ranges from 0 to 300.98 which are different than the input SST value. <br>
read_wrf_nc met_em.d01.2000-11-01_00:00: <a href="http://www.rediffmail.com/cgi-bin/red.cgi?account_type=1&red=http://00.nc&isImage=0&BlockImage=0&rediffng=0" target="_blank">00.nc</a> -v SST <br>
INPUT FILE IS: met_em.d01.2000-11-01_00:00: <a href="http://www.rediffmail.com/cgi-bin/red.cgi?account_type=1&red=http://00.nc&isImage=0&BlockImage=0&rediffng=0" target="_blank">00.nc</a> <br>
Field : SST <br>
FieldType : 104 <br>
Description : Sea-Surface Temperature <br>
Units : K <br>
Stagger : M <br>
Total times in file : 1 <br>
Dimensions : 214 (x) 149 (y) 1 (z) <br>
2000-11-01_00:00:00 : MIN = 0.000000000 MAX = 300.9088440 <br>
--- End of input file --- <br>
Could you please suggest how to overcome this error. <br>
I have run the model and found this wrong SST value in the postprocessed output. Please find herewith attached the plots for the differences observed in the input SST value and SST in the WRF model. <br>
Thanks. <br>
Regards <br>
SBR <br>
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