<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252"><title>Problems running WRF-Var 3.2.1 with PREPBUFR</title>
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Dear wrfhelp/wrf-users:<br>
I am learning to use the WRF-Var 3.2.1 program and following the example in the on-line User’s Guide. I can successfully run the program using the conventional observations in ASCII format. However, when I try reading the PREPBUFR file instead of the ASCII version I encounter run-time errors and fail to execute an analysis.<br>
I am running on an Intel Xeon platform with the ifort/icc 11.1.038 compilers and Intel MPI 3.2.011 (I’m not using the shared memory build option). I set the BUFR environment variable to 1 before running ‘configure’ and see ‘-DBUFR’ in the resulting ‘configure.wrf’ file. I also confirm that BUFRLIB in var/external/bufr is built — I modified preproc.sh to echo all commands as they are executed before I compiled WRFDA.<br>
So far I’ve attempted six different tests (BUFRLIB compiled with –DLITTLE_ENDIAN unless otherwise noted):<br>
Test 1. Compile w/ -convert big_endian in configure.wrf. Use linux PREPBUFR. BUFRLIB aborts, cannot file "BUFR" in file.<br>
Test 2. Compile w/ -convert big_endian in configure.wrf. Use regular PREPBUFR. BUFRLIB doesn't return any obs, program completes w/o data assimilation.<br>
Test 3. Compile w/o -convert big_endian in configure.wrf. Use linux PREPBUFR. Reads obs. Cannot read be file.<br>
Test 4. Compile w/o -convert big_endian in configure.wrf. Use regular PREPBUFR. BUFRLIB aborts; cannot find "BUFR" in file.<br>
Test 5. Compile w/ -convert big_endian, force BUFRLIB compile with -DBIG_ENDIAN. Use linux PREPBUFR. BUFRLIB aborts, can't determine machine native language.<br>
Test 6. Compile w/ -convert big_endian, force BUFRLIB compile with -DBIG_ENDIAN. Use regular PREPBUFR. BUFRLIB aborts, can't determine machine<br>
native language.<br>
Note that I’m only trying to assimilate conventional obs at this point (satellite radiances will come later). Also, I have a separate utility that can successfully read the linux PREPBUFR file (it can’t read the regular PREPBUFR).<br>
Can anyone help?<br>
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Eric M. Kemp Northrop Grumman Corporation<br>
Meteorologist Information Systems<br>
Civil Enterprise Solutions Civil Systems Division<br>
Goddard Space Flight Center<br>
Mailstop 610.3<br>
Greenbelt, MD 20771<br>
Telephone 301-286-9768<br>
Fax 301-286-1775<br>
E-mail: <a href="eric.kemp@nasa.gov">eric.kemp@nasa.gov</a><br>
E-mail: <a href="eric.kemp@ngc.com">eric.kemp@ngc.com</a><br>
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