Dear WRF Users, The Laboratory for Atmospherical Modelling of Meteorology Department of Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile) will be really greatful if you could distribute the announcement of our second summer course "Introducción a la Modelación Atmosférica - Uso de WRF" will focuses on Basic use and description of WRF-ARW for real cases. This course will be exposed in spanish language at dependences of Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile.<br>
<br>More information is available in attached document and at course website: <a href=""></a><br><br clear="all">Atentamente<br>Jorge Arévalo Bórquez<br>Coordinador LMA-UV<br>
Departamento de Meteorología<br>Universidad de Valparaíso<br>56-32-2508700<br>