MADE/SORGAM<br><br>Hi:<br><br>If anyone has worked with
wet deposition of so2/so4 (getting the wet deposition it self out as a variable)
using MADE/SORGAM , it would be great if you answer this email.
We are struggling a bit understanding how the aerosols and the chemical
representation of So2/So4 work together. Actually, any documentation on
the representation of variables in MADE/SORGAM would be very helpful.<br>
<br>We have made our own emission program, where we only have emission
of so2 ( p_so2). Using MADE/SORGAM, when so2 reacts and makes so4, will so4 automatically be represented as aerosols as well? How will the size distribution of the
emission be calculated?<br>
<br><br>best regards,<br>Anna <br>