<b>When I go to run the 4 domain nested test and submit the command "read.exe" by the namelist.input shown as below in section1:</b><div><div><b>domains.</b><b>The 4th domain always showed error message about boundary condition and I copied the information in section2.</b><b>?what is</b></div>
<div><b><br></b></div><div><b> matter with my </b><b>namelist.input setup,since the met_em file and geo_file seems correctly by ncdump view.Anyone can help me ?</b></div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>section1:</b></div><div>
<b> </b></div><div> &time_control</div><div> time_step = 120,</div><div> time_step_fract_num = 0,</div><div> time_step_fract_den = 1,</div><div> max_dom = 4,</div>
<div> e_we = 92,223,451,526,</div><div> e_sn = 92,223,451,526,</div><div> e_vert = 43,43, 43, 43,</div><div> p_top_requested = 10000,</div>
<div> num_metgrid_levels = 27,</div><div> num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4,</div><div> dx = 54000, 18000, 6000, 2000,</div><div> dy = 54000, 18000, 6000, 2000,</div>
<div> grid_id = 1, 2, 3, 4,</div><div> parent_id = 0, 1, 2, 3,</div><div> i_parent_start = 1, 16, 33, 106,</div><div> j_parent_start = 1, 16, 65, 52,</div>
<div> parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3, 3,</div><div> parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3, 3,</div><div> feedback = 1,</div><div> smooth_option = 0,</div>
<div> /</div><div><br></div><div> &physics</div><div> mp_physics = 6, 2, 6, 6,</div><div> ra_lw_physics = 1, 1, 1, 1,</div><div> ra_sw_physics = 1, 1, 1, 1,</div>
<div> radt = 30, 30, 30, 30,</div><div> sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 1, 1, 1,</div><div> sf_surface_physics = 2, 2, 2, 2,</div><div>
bl_pbl_physics = 1, 1, 1, 1,</div><div> bldt = 0, 0, 0, 0,</div><div> cu_physics = 3, 2, 0, 0,</div><div> cudt = 5, 5, 5, 5,</div>
<div> isfflx = 1,</div><div> ifsnow = 0,</div><div> icloud = 1,</div><div> surface_input_source = 1,</div><div><br></div>
<div><br></div><div><b>section2:</b></div><div><br clear="all"><div> Domain 4: Current date being processed: 2005-07-17_12:00:00.0000, which is loop # 1 out of 8</div><div> configflags%julyr, %julday, %gmt: 2005 198 12.00000000</div>
<div> metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_input = 2005-07-17_12:00:00</div><div> metgrid input_wrf.F first_date_nml = 2005-07-17_00:00:00</div><div> d04 2005-07-17_12:00:00 Timing for input 7 s.</div><div> d04 2005-07-17_12:00:00 flag_soil_layers read from met_em file is 1</div>
<div> *** Error in boundary condition specification</div><div> boundary conditions at xs 0</div><div> boundary conditions at xe 0</div><div> boundary conditions at ys 0</div><div> boundary conditions at ye 0</div>
<div> boundary conditions logicals are</div><div> periodic_x F</div><div> periodic_y F</div><div> symmetric_xs F</div><div> symmetric_xe F</div><div> symmetric_ys F</div><div> symmetric_ye F</div><div>
open_xs F</div><div> open_xe F</div><div> open_ys F</div><div> open_ye F</div><div> polar F</div><div> nested F</div><div> specified F</div><div> -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------</div>
<div> FATAL CALLED FROM FILE: LINE: 163</div><div> *** Error in boundary condition specification</div>-- <br>TANG Jie<br>Email: <a href="mailto:totangjie@gmail.com">totangjie@gmail.com</a><br>Tel: 0086-2154896104<br>
Shanghai Typhoon Institute,China<br>