Hi all,<br><br>I am using WRF V3.0 for the simulation of a heavy rainfall case. Three nested domains have been defined with a grid spacing of 27, 9, and 3 Km respectively. YSU BL scheme and NOAH LSM have been used while the KF cumulus param has been used for the first two domains. The time step was set to 27 s (with a time step ratio of 3 for each nested domain) and the inegration period was 96h. When i use the PLIN (mp=2) microphysics param the model runs without problems. But if i choose the WSM6 (mp=6) the run stops and I get this error message: <em>Flerchinger USEd</em> in NEW <em>version</em>. Iterations= 10 . Searching it on the internet i saw suggestions that this message is related to a violation of the cfl criterion. I tried smaller timesteps (18 and 9 s), changed the size of the domains and the vertical resolution but this error keeps coming back in later timesteps.<br>
Any suggestions?<br><br>Thank you in advance<br><div style="display: inline;"></div>
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