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I'm trying to nest into a previous generated NMM output a finer domain.
In order to do so, I'm postprocessing d01 original output with WPP,
then I obtain a GRIB file that I can use as initial and boundary
condition file for the new domain02 run. (I'm using Vtable.NAM to
ungrib that file)<br>
I'm facing some troubles with this scheme. Here it is the landmask of
my d02:<br>
<img src="cid:part1.00060502.00060006@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><br>
I run metgrid and real_nmm.exe succesfully, but when I run wrf, after
the first iterations I obtain NaN values over the land points. This
values appear not just in the surface nor in the whole column, for
instance here it goes two plots of v-wind variable at wrfout file at
the first vertical level (upper row) and the upper vertical level
(bottom row), at the initialization time (left column) and after 3
iterations (right column):<br>
<img src="cid:part2.01010204.07050406@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><img
src="cid:part3.09030507.08040704@meteogalicia.es" alt="">
<div class="moz-signature"><img
src="cid:part4.04040907.04090509@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><img
src="cid:part5.08020206.07030102@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><br>
<font color="#330033">Moreover, I've observed some inconsistencies
betwen the "landsea" (from the GRIB file of the previous d01 run) and
the "landmask" (from geo_nmm of domain02) contained in met_nmm files.
In addition to some expected differences between this 2 variables, it
looks like land is displaced by some kind of spatial shift from
northwest to southeast.<br>
</font><img src="cid:part6.06050902.01090503@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><img
src="cid:part1.00060502.00060006@meteogalicia.es" alt=""><br>
<font color="#330033"><br>
Does anybody have any advice on where could it be the problem of these
issues? Thanks in advance.<br>
</font><font color="#330033">Eduardo Penabad<br>
MeteoGalicia. NWP Dept.</font><br>
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<td colspan="2" valign="top"> <img
src="cid:part8.05020103.06030904@meteogalicia.es" alt="MeteoGalicia"
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<div class="dpt"> Eduardo Penabad Ramos</div>
<div class="dpt"> Dpto. Predición Numérica e Investigación </div>
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<td width="445"> <span class="datos">Rúa Roma, 6 </span><br>
<span class="datos">15.707 Santiago de Compostela</span><br>
<td width="255"> <span class="datos1"> Tel: +34 981 957 462</span><br>
<span class="datos1"> Fax: +34 981 957 466</span><br>
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