Dear Eric,<BR>
With your experimental set up, I will prefare to use<BR>
radt = 45, 45, 45 as we use for our cases.<BR>
WRF document says <BR>
1. recommend 1 min per km of dx<BR>
2. use the same value for all nests<BR>
So first, we can satisfy condition 1 for the parent domain and next<BR>
to follow condition 2 (i.e.) the same 'radt' valuse of outer domain to be used in all the nest domains.<BR>
On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 Eric Altshuler wrote :<BR>
>I have asked this question before, but I have never gotten a clear answer. I apologize for asking it again.<BR>
>I am running WRF-ARW with 3 domains: a coarse grid at 45km resolution, an intermediate nest at 15km, and an inner nest at 5km. The WRF documentation says two things about RADT:<BR>
>1. Set RADT (in minutes) equal to the horizontal resolution (in km), e.g. RADT = 10 for DX = 10000<BR>
>2. Set RADT to be the same on all domains<BR>
>These rules conflict when nesting is used. Obviously, with a 3:1 nesting ratio, it is impossible to satisfy both rules. My question is, which RADT setting should be used here?<BR>
>a) radt = 45, 45, 45<BR>
>b) radt = 15, 15, 15<BR>
>c) radt = 5, 5, 5<BR>
>d) none of the above?<BR>
>My intuition is to set radt = 15, 15, 15 but I would appreciate feedback on how users deal with the RADT setting when they run WRF with nesting.<BR>
>Thanks in advance for your attention.<BR>
>Best regards,<BR>
>Eric L. Altshuler<BR>
>Assistant Research Scientist<BR>
>Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies<BR>
>4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302<BR>
>Calverton, MD 20705-3106<BR>
>E-mail: ela@cola.iges.org<BR>
>Phone: (301) 902-1257<BR>
>Fax: (301) 595-9793<BR>
>Wrf-users mailing list<BR>
Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna
Computational Atmospheric Sciences Team
Scientific & Engineering Computing Group
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC)
Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind
Pune - 411 007, Maharashtra, India
E-mail: satyabanb@cdac.in
Tel (O): +91-020-2570 4226, (Cell): +91-094223 56326
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