Dear users<br><br>I'm running WRF with 0.5 degree gfs.t00z.pgrb2f* files. <br>After 12 hours I download gfs.t12z.pgrb2f* files, and run again WRF, only because I need 7th day in forecast (half of 7th day)..<br><br>Is it possible to attach WRF (with gfs.t12.*) on restart file of e.g. 5th day of WRF (gfs.t00*), and run it from that term to 180 term from gfs.t12* ?<br>
With that WRF (with gfs.t12*) will run only few hours..<br>Or is it better to run WRF (gfs.t12*) from e.g. 150 term to 180 and take out last day out, which i'm interested for..<br><br>Thanks! <br>BR<br>Goran<br>