Dear all,<br><br>I'm running WRF - ARW with GFS (0.5 degree, 1 week) with files gfs.t00z.master.grbf* . <br>Yesterday (14.12) my WRF run finished forecasting with a lot's of NaN.<br>Same happened at friday 05.12.<br>
In 14.12 WRF run, NaN values appeared from 7th term to end,and in 05.12 WRF run, they appeared 21st term,also to the end (1 term equals 3 hour period). <br><br>I suppose it is not because of my WRF configuration because it is working for about 3 months with same configuration, and this kind of problem never happened before.<br>
<br>Did anybody had a same problem, or have an idea/suggestion what is wrong?<br>It cross my mind, that maybe there was bug in GFS data??<br><br>When ploting data (from 14.12 WRF run) with NCL, i get an error in terminal:<br>
<b><i>(0) </i></b><b><i> Working on time: 2008-12-14_18:00:00<br>fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #0<br>fatal:An error occurred reading P</i></b><b><i><br><br></i></b><i>(2008-12-14_18:00:00 equals 7th term</i>)<br>
<br>Appreciate any help,<br>Best regards<br>Goran<br>