[Wrf-users] PR92 modification

Jewett, Brian Ford bjewett at illinois.edu
Mon Nov 7 09:12:39 MST 2016


The layout of the WRF modeling system hasn’t been changed in a long time.  You might find this page of help (search for “ids” on it) :


or perhaps this:


More on the WRF infrastructure can be found in this talk by Dave Gill:


Hope this helps.


From: <wrf-users-bounces at ucar.edu> on behalf of Christos Gatidis <Christos.Gatidis at weatherquest.co.uk>
Date: Monday, November 7, 2016 at 9:44 AM
To: "'wrf-users at ucar.edu'" <wrf-users at ucar.edu>
Subject: [Wrf-users] PR92 modification

Dear WRF users and developers,

I would like to help me if it is possible. I want to do some modifications to the Price and Rind lightning scheme (PR92) by adding some new variables. But I am not sure how to add the new variables to the existing code (in this case I try to add W_UP_MAX=maximum updraft). I think the problem is at the statements of the new variable which I used (line 68 of the following code) or/and at the line 89. Could you explain to me what are the differences between the ids, ims, ips and the j and k equivalents (lines 57, 58, 59) and which of them I should use in my case (line 68 and line 89)?

Thank you in advance! I wait your advice.

! Lightning flash rate prediction based on cloud-top height. Implemented
! for models using convective parameterization. Assume use of sub-grid LNB.
! Price, C., and D. Rind (1992), A Simple Lightning Parameterization for Calculating
!   Global Lightning Distributions, J. Geophys. Res., 97(D9), 9919–9933, doi:10.1029/92JD00719.
! Wong, J., M. Barth, and D. Noone (2012), Evaluating a Lightning Parameterization
!   at Resolutions with Partially-Resolved Convection, GMDD, in preparation.
! Contact: J. Wong <johnwong at ucar.edu>

MODULE module_ltng_cpmpr92z

SUBROUTINE ltng_cpmpr92z ( &
                          ! Frequently used prognostics
                            dx, dy, xland, ht, z, t,              &
                          ! Scheme specific prognostics
                            kLNB,                                 &
                          ! Scheme specific namelist inputs
                            cldtop_adjustment,                    &
                          ! Order dependent args for domain, mem, and tile dims
                            ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,         &
                            ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,         &
                            ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe,         &
                          ! Mandatory output for all quantitative schemes
                            total_flashrate                       &
! Framework
USE module_state_description

! Model layer
USE module_model_constants
USE module_wrf_error


! Frequently used prognostics
REAL,    INTENT(IN   )    ::       dx, dy

REAL,    DIMENSION( ims:ime,          jms:jme ), INTENT(IN   ) :: xland, ht
REAL,    DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), INTENT(IN   ) :: z, t

! Scheme specific prognostics
INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime,          jms:jme ), INTENT(IN   ) :: kLNB     ! model LNB from cu_physics

! Scheme specific namelist inputs
REAL,    INTENT(IN   )    ::       cldtop_adjustment

! Order dependent args for domain, mem, and tile dims

INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::       ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde                                                                     !!!
INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::       ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme                                                              !!!
INTEGER, INTENT(IN   )    ::       ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe                                                                     !!!

! Mandatory outputs for all quantitative schemes
REAL,    DIMENSION( ims:ime,          jms:jme ), INTENT(  OUT) :: total_flashrate

! Local variables
REAL :: dA              ! grid area dx*dy in km2
REAL :: zkm             ! AGL z in km

REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: W_UP_MAX                                                                     !!! W_UP_MAX variable statement

REAL, PARAMETER:: baseArea=1296. ! base-case area, dx = 36 km

INTEGER :: i,k,j

CHARACTER (LEN=250) :: message


dA = dx*dy/1E6

total_flashrate( ips:ipe,jps:jpe ) = 0.

! Compute AGL heights in km
jloop: DO j=jps,jpe
    iloop: DO i=ips,ipe
        IF ( t(i,kLNB(i,j),j) .lt. 273.15 .and. &
            kLNB(i,j) .ge. kps .and. kLNB(i,j) .le. kpe ) THEN              ! Cloud top must freeze
            zkm = ( z(i,kLNB(i,j),j) - ht(i,j) )/1E3 + cldtop_adjustment    ! Compute AGL height in km
            IF ( zkm .gt. 0. ) THEN                                         ! Must be above ground
              IF ( W_UP_MAX(i,j) .gt. 0.25 ) THEN                                                                   !!! Maximum updraft mask
                IF ( xland(i,j) .lt. 1.5 ) THEN
                  total_flashrate(i,j) = 3.44E-5 * (zkm**4.9) /60.            ! Continental equation
                  total_flashrate(i,j) = 6.57E-6 * (zkm**4.9) /60.            ! Marine equation (Michalon 99)
    ENDDO iloop
ENDDO jloop

! Scale by areal ratio
total_flashrate(ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = total_flashrate(ips:ipe,jps:jpe) * dA/baseArea

END SUBROUTINE ltng_cpmpr92z

END MODULE module_ltng_cpmpr92z

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