[Wrf-users] write intermediate file

wen wenguanhuan at 163.com
Wed Dec 23 02:11:14 MST 2015

Hi all,
      I am trying to use an unusual data as boundary and input for wrf. There are temperature (T), u-wind (U), v-wind (V), geopotential   height, relative (rh) on 11 pressure levels and temperature at 2 meter (T2), u-wind (U10) and v-wind (V10) at 10 meter and mean sea level pressure (MSL).  Since there is no Vtable for the data source,  I  write code to read the data and write into intermediate file and then continue the normal subsequent steps (metgrid.exe, real.exe, and wrf.exe). I come up with some questions listed following. I hope you can help. Thank you!

1. Is it enough to run wrf using the existing variables int he data source?
2. The variable name and pressure level have to be written in the intermediate file. As I know, temperature, u-wind, v-wind at pressure level are represented by "TT, UU, VV".   What  variable names and pressure level is used for temperature at 2 meter,  u-wind and v-wind at 10 meter? Is there any file discribing the variable name and pressure level for the intermediate file?
3. I find that it is no need to write  missing value of the data source into intermediate file. Is it ok for following steps if data source contain missing value?       


Best regards,
Guanhuan Wen
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