[Wrf-users] AGU Session 8579: LES and High-Res. Simulations

Gustafson, William I William.Gustafson at pnnl.gov
Fri Jun 26 17:02:24 MDT 2015

We would like to draw your attention to a 2015 AGU Fall Meeting session of interest to users and developers of large-eddy simulation and limited-area models and their use in real-world configurations to evaluate and improve process understanding and atmospheric model parameterizations. These modeling tools are increasingly important across the atmospheric science community from wind energy applications through climate modeling.

Title: Large-Eddy and High-Resolution Simulations for Improved Understanding and Parameterization of Clouds and Boundary Layer Processes
Session ID#: 8579
Session Description: Large-eddy simulations (LES) and high-resolution cloud-resolving models, i.e., limited-area models (LAM), are increasingly used to understand atmospheric processes with the goal of improving climate and weather model parameterizations. Early approaches used idealized scenarios, but the use of real-world configurations is becoming more common and offers great potential. The jump from idealized to realistic configurations brings with it many complicating factors and questions regarding how to best use simulations to develop robust parameterizations. Contributions are sought demonstrating novel approaches using real-world LES and LAM simulations for parameterization development and improving process-level understanding. Also of interest are contributions demonstrating how to overcome difficulties running real-world, ultra-high-resolution configurations, e.g., how best to incorporate observations to constrain the simulation through data assimilation or other techniques, include surface heterogeneity, initialize the model when clouds are present, evaluate the forcing and simulation accuracies, and increase the odds of successful simulations across a range of meteorological conditions.

We encourage you to submit to this session. Note that abstracts must be submitted by Wednesday, 5 August. There is also an opportunity to win free registration if abstracts are submitted by Wednesday, 29 July. More information can be found at https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Session8579.

Please forward this announcement to others that you think would be interested. We look forward to an exciting session packed with useful talks and posters!

William Gustafson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Andrew Vogelmann, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA
Roel Neggers, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Co-Sponsor(s): AMS - American Meteorological Society
Index Terms:
3314 Convective processes [ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES]
3315 Data assimilation [ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES]
3323 Large eddy simulation [ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES]
3365 Subgrid-scale (SGS) parameterization [ATMOSPHERIC PROCESSES]

William I. Gustafson Jr., Ph.D.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. 999, MSIN K9-30
Richland, WA  99352
Tel: 509-372-6110
William.Gustafson at pnnl.gov<mailto:William.Gustafson at pnnl.gov>

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