[Wrf-users] Reg: problem during execution in real.exe

Brian Jewett jewett at atmos.uiuc.edu
Thu May 16 08:44:47 MDT 2013

Good day,

I'd first do:

  ls -l  real.exe

I think you'll find it is a link to real.exe in another directory ("file real.exe" should confirm).  Perhaps there was an error compiling, because real.exe was apparently not created.  Assuming you are in a run or test/* directory, real.exe should be in ../main, as I get (from my run directory),

  [tg457444 at login1 run]$ ls -l real.exe
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 tg457444 G-80626 16 Feb  4 17:00 real.exe -> ../main/real.exe

Good luck,


----- Original Message -----
| Hi all WRF Users,

| M.Tech (Atmospheric Science)
| Young Professional in Cyclone Models
| APSDPS, AP Secreteriat, Hyderabad.

Brian F. Jewett, Ph.D
Research Scientist, University of Illinois
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Email:  bjewett at illinois.edu
Ph:  (217) 333-3957; Fax: (217) 244-1752
cmg.atmos.illinois.edu, www.atmos.uiuc.edu/~bjewett

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