[Wrf-users] How to set environmental variable for MPI libraries

Tabish Ansari tabishumaransari at gmail.com
Thu May 9 10:32:36 MDT 2013


I am trying to compile WRF/chem in dmpar mode. I believe I already have the
mpi libraries on my server. The following info must be useful in responding:

ce12s023 at c1hn1:~> which mpif90
ce12s023 at c1hn1:~> which mpicc
ce12s023 at c1hn1:~> which mpirun
ce12s023 at c1hn1:~> cd /sware/intel/impi/
ce12s023 at c1hn1:/sware/intel/impi/> ls
compchk.sh      mpdcleanup     mpdlistjobs.py  mpdtrace.py    mpigxx
cpuinfo         mpdcleanup.py  mpdman.py       mpicc          mpiicc
IMB-MPI1        mpdexit        mpd.py          mpicleanup     mpiicpc
mpd             mpdexit.py     mpdringtest     mpicxx         mpiifort
mpdallexit      mpdgdbdrv.py   mpdringtest.py  mpiexec        mpirun
mpdallexit.py   mpdhelp        mpdroot         mpiexec.hydra  mpitune
mpdboot         mpdhelp.py     mpdrun          mpiexec.py     mpivars.csh
mpdboot.py      mpdkilljob     mpdrun.py       mpif77         mpivars.sh
mpdcheck        mpdkilljob.py  mpdsigjob       mpif90         mtv.so
mpdcheck.py     mpdlib.py      mpdsigjob.py    mpifc          pmi_proxy
mpdchkpyver.py  mpdlistjobs    mpdtrace        mpigcc         tune
ce12s023 at c1hn1:/sware/intel/impi/> cd ..
ce12s023 at c1hn1:/sware/intel/impi/> ls
bin    binding  doc             etc    ia32                   include
 intel64  lib64  mic          mpi-rtEULA.txt     mpisupport.txt
 redist-rt.txt  test
bin64  data     Doc_Index.html  etc64  impi.uninstall.config  include64
 lib      man    mpiEULA.txt  mpi-rtsupport.txt  README.txt      redist.txt
ce12s023 at c1hn1:/sware/intel/impi/> pwd
ce12s023 at c1hn1:/sware/intel/impi/>

Now, after seeing that information please suggest that at what level should
I set the environmental variable to? kindly mention the exact command in
bash mode.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks & Regards
Research Scholar
Department of Civil Engineering
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