[Wrf-users] Fwd: Les within Les technique

Andrew Robbie (GMail) andrew.robbie at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 04:52:15 MST 2013


It is my understanding that the use of LES grids within normal meso scale
grids is not possible as there is a global parameter (name escapes me -- 12
months of doing different stuff and I'm forgetting) set for meso scale runs
which makes no sense for LES runs. That is, WRF will often run, but do the
runs have any validity?

The way around this is to do all the meso runs once (with or without
feedback) and save the outputs, then use ndown to prepare them as input
files for an LES layer. It is possible to trick ndown into producing a 3x
downscale and a 9x downscale and initiate a nested feedback LES run, but it
is a painful task.

Another benefit of doing the ndown is you can run the meso code for several
hours so the system settles down, then kick off LES runs. The LES code is
very sensitive to wierd stuff and will crash all the time for
mountainous/steep terrain.

I have some code written for automating the ndown nesting process, I will
see if I can get work to approve a public release.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 3:26 AM, Sara Fenech <sarafenech at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sara Fenech <sarafenech at gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 12:02 PM
> Subject: Les within Les technique
> To: wrf-users at ucar.edu
> Dear all
> I am currently carrying out a simulation having maximum domain 5 over
> the Mediterranean sea and having default physics schemes. The aim of this
> is to implement the LES within LES technique for the last two nests. To my
> knowledge and in accordance with the wrf manual all options are chosen in
> relation with each other. However the simulation does not
> even initialize giving the error below. This simulation has worked out
> successfully for the same conditions but having no LES conditions
> implemented. Thanks from beforehand
> Sara Fenech
> 4th Year Student
> University of Malta
> Error:
>  Namelist scm not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
> variables
>   in scm
>  Namelist fire not found in namelist.input. Using registry defaults for
> variable
>  s in fire
>  -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
>  FATAL CALLED FROM FILE:  <stdin>  LINE:    8697
>  ERRORS while reading one or more namelists from namelist.input.
>  -------------------------------------------
> taskid: 0 hostname: node019
> taskid: 0 hostname: node019
> Namelist:
> &time_control
> run_days                 = 2,
> run_hours                = 0,
> run_minutes              = 0,
> run_seconds              = 0,
> start_year               = 2011,     2011,     2011,     2011,     2011,
> start_month              = 12,       12,       12,       12,       12,
> start_day                = 25,       25,       25,       25,       25,
> start_hour               = 12,       12,       12,       12,       12,
> start_minute             = 00,       00,       00,        0,        0,
> start_second             = 00,       00,       00,        0,        0,
> end_year                 = 2011,     2011,     2011,     2011,     2011,
> end_month                = 12,       12,       12,       12,       12,
> end_day                  = 27,       27,       27,       27,       27,
> end_hour                 = 12,       12,       12,       12,       12,
> end_minute               = 00,       00,       00,        0,        0,
> end_second               = 00,       00,       00,        0,        0,
> interval_seconds         = 21600,
> input_from_file          = .true.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,
> history_interval         = 180,       60,       60,       60,       60,
> frames_per_outfile       = 1000,     1000,     1000,     1000,     1000,
> restart                  = .false.,
> restart_interval         = 5000,
> io_form_history          = 2,
> io_form_restart          = 2,
> io_form_input            = 2,
> io_form_boundary         = 2,
> debug_level              = 50,
> /
> &domains
> time_step                = 144,
> time_step_fract_num      = 0,
> time_step_fract_den      = 1,
> max_dom                  = 5,
> e_we                     = 100,      146,      177,      178,      457,
> e_sn                     = 100,      136,      161,      181,      433,
> e_vert                   = 28,       28,       28,       28,       28,
> p_top_requested          = 5000,
> num_metgrid_levels       = 27,
> num_metgrid_soil_levels  = 4,
> dx                       = 24000,     4800,     1200,      400,      100,
> dy                       = 24000,     4800,     1200,      400,      100,
> grid_id                  = 1,        2,        3,        4,        5,
> parent_id                = 1,        1,        2,        3,        4,
> i_parent_start           = 1,       36,       49,       59,       42,
> j_parent_start           = 1,       37,       48,       54,       66,
> parent_grid_ratio        = 1,        5,        4,        3,        4,
> parent_time_step_ratio   = 1,        5,        4,        3,        4,
> feedback                 = 0,
> smooth_option            = 0,
> /
> &physics
> mp_physics               = 3,        3,        3,        3,        3,
> ra_lw_physics            = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> ra_sw_physics            = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> radt                     = 30,       30,       30,       30,       30,
> sf_sfclay_physics        = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> sf_surface_physics       = 2,        2,        2,        2,        2,
> bl_pbl_physics           = 1,        1,        1,        0,        0,
> bldt                     = 0,        0,        0,        0,        0,
> cu_physics               = 1,        1,        0,        0,        0,
> cudt                     = 5,        5,        5,        5,        5,
> isfflx                   = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> ifsnow                   = 0,
> icloud                   = 1,
> surface_input_source     = 1,
> num_soil_layers          = 4,
> sf_urban_physics         = 0,        0,        0,        0,        0,
> maxiens                  = 1,
> maxens                   = 3,
> maxens2                  = 3,
> maxens3                  = 16,
> ensdim                   = 144,
> /
> &fdda
> /
> &dynamics
> w_damping                = 0,
> diff_opt                 = 1,        1,        1,        2,        2,
> km_opt                   = 4,        4,        4,        3,        3,
> diff_6th_opt             = 0,        0,        0,        0,        0,
> diff_6th_factor          = 0.12,     0.12,     0.12,     0.12,     0.12,
> base_temp                = 290.,
> damp_opt                 = 0,
> zdamp                    = 5000.,    5000.,    5000.,    5000.,    5000.,
> dampcoef                 = 0.2,      0.2,      0.2,      0.2,      0.2,
> khdif                    = 0,        0,        0,        0,        0,
> kvdif                    = 0,        0,        0,        0,        0,
> non_hydrostatic          = .true.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,
> moist_adv_opt            = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> scalar_adv_opt           = 1,        1,        1,        1,        1,
> /
> &bdy_control
> spec_bdy_width           = 5,
> spec_zone                = 1,
> relax_zone               = 4,
> specified                = .true.,  .false.,  .false.,  .false.,  .false.,
> nested                   = .false.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,   .true.,
> /
> &grib2
> /
> &namelist_quilt
>  nio_tasks_per_group      = 0,
> nio_groups               = 1,
> /
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> Wrf-users at ucar.edu
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