[Wrf-users] Poor scalability of WRFV221 on 8-core machine

Gerardo Cisneros gerardo at sgi.com
Fri Oct 3 11:30:39 MDT 2008


You wrote:
> [...]
> Are you saying that MPI performs better than OpenMP on a single  
> machine? Could you explain further why the memory traffic would be  
> lower than openmp? The same amount of communication needs to be done  
> for the sharing of the data.

What gets parallelized using OpenMP is in no way
related to how MPI is applied to parallelize WRF.
That, in part, is what allows building hybrid
(MPI+OpenMP) WRF executables.  Comparisons of
OpenMP vs. MPI scaling within a single node
aren't apples-to-apples.


Dr. Gerardo Cisneros	|SGI (Silicon Graphics, S.A. de C.V.)
Scientist             	|Av. Vasco de Quiroga 3000, Col. Santa Fe
gerardo at sgi.com		|01210 Mexico, D.F., MEXICO
(+52-55)5563-7958 	|http://www.sgi.com/

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