[Wrf-users] Runtime Problem running WRF2.1.2 on multi processors

Diego M. Vadell dvadell at linuxclusters.com.ar
Thu Sep 14 19:30:45 MDT 2006

Hi Jayanthi,
  did you follow PGI's instructions in
http://www.pgroup.com/resources/wrf/wrfv2_pgi52.htm ? I used v6 of
their compilers and worked ok.

Hope it helps.
 -- Diego.

On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:08:05 -0500
"Srikishen, Jayanthi" <Jayanthi.Srikishen at msfc.nasa.gov> wrote:

> Hi  Wrf-users !
> I'm trying to run the WRF model on a Linux cluster (intel processors)
> Successfully created real.exe,wrf.exe
> ./real.exe worked fine
> mpirun -np 4 ./wrf.exe runs for 2 time steps and aborts.  Fort.98 has
> OUT OF BOUNDS and nan's.
> I've tried with mpirun -np 1 ./wrf.exe and it works FINE.
> Could you tell me what is causing the problem ?
> COMPILER SWITCHES and other system related info is given below.  Also,
> included here is the
> rsl.out.0000 output and a few lines of fort.98 output.
> ************************************************************************
> ************************************************************************
> **********
> setenv MP_STACK_SIZE 64000000
> setenv WRF_EM_CORE 1
> limit stacksize unlimited
> mpif90 -V  =   pgf90 5.2-2
> netcdf = netcdf-3.6.1_GCC_PGI5.2    (portland group compiler-fortran)
> mpich = mpich2-1.0.3_GCC_PGI5.2
> mpich =  mpich-1.2.7p1_GCC_PGI5.2 (tried with this version also)
> WRF = WRFV2.1.2
> wrfsi = wrfsi_v2.1.2
> uname -rs = Linux 2.6.9-34.0.1.ELsmp
> #### Architecture specific settings ####
> # Settings for PC Linux i486 i586 i686, PGI compiler  DM-Parallel (RSL,
> MPICH, Allows nesting
> )
> #
> # Notes: for experimental implementation of moving nests, add
> #        for experimental implementation of vortex tracking nests, add
> #
> DMPARALLEL      =       1
> MAX_PROC        =       1024
> FC              =       /rstor17/sriki/mpich-1.2.7p1/bin/mpif90
> -f90=pgf90 -Bstatic (with and without static option)
> LD              =       /rstor17/sriki/mpich-1.2.7p1/bin/mpif90
> -f90=pgf90 -Bstatic (with and without static option)
> CC              =       /rstor17/sriki/mpich-1.2.7p1/bin/mpicc -cc=gcc
> -static -DMPI2_SUPPORT
> SCC             =       gcc
> SFC             =       pgf90
> PROMOTION       =       -r$(RWORDSIZE) -i4
> CFLAGS          =       -DDM_PARALLEL -DWRF_RSL_IO \
>                         -DMAXDOM_MAKE=$(MAX_DOMAINS)
> -DMAXPROC_MAKE=$(MAX_PROC) -I../external
> /RSL/RSL \
>                         -I/rstor17/sriki/mpich-1.2.7p1/include
> FCOPTIM         =       -O2 # -fast # ALSO TRIED WITH -O0
> FCDEBUG         =       #-g
> #FCBASEOPTS      =       -w -byteswapio -Ktrap=fp -Mfree -tp p6
> FCBASEOPTS      =       -w -byteswapio -Mfree -tp p6 $(FCDEBUG) # -Mlfs
> FCFLAGS         =       $(FCOPTIM) $(FCBASEOPTS)
>                         -DTRIEDNTRUE   \
>                         -DLIMIT_ARGS
> INCLUDE_MODULES =       -module ../main -I../external/io_netcdf
> -I../external/io_int -I../ext
> ernal/esmf_time_f90 \
>                         -I../external -I../frame -I../share -I../phys
> -I../chem -I../inc \
>                         /rstor17/sriki/mpich-1.2.7p1/include
> PERL            =       perl
> REGISTRY        =       Registry
> LIB             =       -L../external/io_netcdf -lwrfio_nf
> -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -
> L../external/RSL/RSL -lrsl \
>                         -L../external/io_grib1 -lio_grib1 \
>                         -L../external/io_int -lwrfio_int \
>                          -L/rstor17/sriki//mpich-1.2.7p1/lib -lmpichf90
> \
>                         ../frame/module_internal_header_util.o
> ../frame/pack_utils.o -L../ext
> ernal/esmf_time_f90 -lesmf_time
> LDFLAGS         =       -byteswapio $(FCFLAGS)
> WRF_CHEM        =       0
> CPP             =       /lib/cpp -C -P -traditional
> POUND_DEF       =       -DNO_RRTM_PHYSICS  -traditional $(COREDEFS)
> CPPFLAGS        =       -I$(LIBINCLUDE) -C -P $(ARCHFLAGS)
> -I../external/RSL/RSL -C -P `cat .
> ./inc/dm_comm_cpp_flags` $(ENVCOMPDEFS) $(POUND_DEF)
> AR              =       ar ru
> M4              =       m4
> RANLIB          =       ranlib
> NETCDFPATH      =       /usr/local/netcdf
> CC_TOOLS        =       cc
> ************************************************************************
> *********************
> ********************
> mpirun -np 4 ./wrf.exe
> The program aborts with the following message:
> rm_l_2_19671: (28.535918) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
> tail rsl.out.0000 
>   STEPRA,STEPCU,STEPBL            7            3            1
> Timing for Writing wrfout_d01_2005-11-20_06:00:00 for domain        1:
> 4.25400 elapsed sec
> onds.
> Timing for processing lateral boundary for domain        1:    0.84300
> elapsed seconds.
> Timing for main: time 2005-11-20_06:01:30 on domain   1:   16.37400
> elapsed seconds.
> Timing for main: time 2005-11-20_06:03:00 on domain   1:    5.29800
> elapsed seconds.
> more fort.98
>  **** OUT OF BOUNDS *********
>  **** OUT OF BOUNDS *********
>  **** OUT OF BOUNDS *********
>  **** OUT OF BOUNDS *********
>   LFS,LDB,LDT = 26 24 24 TIMEC, TADVEC, NSTEP= 3600. 4308.  2NCOUNT,
> FABE, AINC= 1 1.000   na
> n
>  P(LC), DTP, WKL, WKLCL =    590.3015                -nan
> -1.8851364E-02
>    2.0000000E-02
>  TLCL, DTLCL, DTRH, TENV =    266.8293       0.0000000       0.0000000
>             -nan
>       KLCL=25 ZLCL= 5248.4M DTLCL= 0.00 LTOP=36 P0(LTOP)=122.8MB FRZ LV=
> 0 TMIX=-0.7 PMIX= 57
> 7.0 QMIX=  4.5 CAPE=    nan
>   P0(LET) =  122.8 P0(LTOP) =  122.8 VMFLCL =        -nan PLCL =  -nan
> WLCL = 1.000 CLDHGT = 
> 10237.9
>  PEF(WS)=0.90(CB)=0.31LC,LET= 23 36WKL=-0.019VWS= 0.66
>  PRECIP EFFICIENCY =             nan
>   LFS,LDB,LDT = 26 24 24 TIMEC, TADVEC, NSTEP= 3600. 4308.  2NCOUNT,
> FABE, AINC= 1 1.000   na
> n
>      P       DP  DT K/D  DR K/D    OMG   DOMGDP    UMF     UER     UDR
> DMF     DER     DD
> R     EMS      W0    DETLQ   DETIC
>  just before DO 300...
>   122.76   45.42  -17.29    -nan     nan     nan    0.00   0.000    -nan
> 0.00   0.000   0.
> 000   6.000   0.852     nan     nan
>   168.13   45.42   26.98    -nan     nan     nan    -nan    -nan    -nan
> 0.00   0.000   0.
> 000   6.000   1.578     nan     nan
> ************************************************************************
> *********************
> ****
> Thanks
> Jayanthi

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